Welcome to our first 12 students! Six places remaining for Italy!

Italian language classes Cooking intensives, before departure Florence’s best pizza, Fiesole (near the Etruscan ruins) We are off to Italy!This food course begins with a culinary intensive in Bellingham, also available online, then moves to Florence, Italy, where students study Italian and food culture of Italy. Students also study at the University of Florence sensory…

Viva Italia!

We are all about resilience thinking, cooking, shopping, eating. Join us at the Miller Hall Collaborative Space 2-4 tomorrow (Nov. 15)! Students made beautiful posters for the Ecogastronomy course. Hope to see you there, or at an info session on the 29th. 

Europe-bound, including Switzerland this time

3-day, 3-night Switzerland excursion —  three-day study tour on biodynamic agriculture, Goethean art and science, and biodynamic foods. This excursion serves an as introduction to our work in Italy. It is available only to those students registered for the 2013 Ecogastronomy summer intensive. Thursday, June 20 – Sunday, June 23 Additional fee (beyond the Ecogastronomy course…

Informational Session, Monday, Oct. 29, Summer Ecogastronomy Intensive in Florence

Here’s a note about the informational session on Monday, Oct. 29.  Join us for another summer of intensive food study at WWU and in Italy — June 17-19 (WWU, online option available) and June 23-July 7 (in Florence). Enrollment limited to 18. See http://www.acadweb.wwu.edu/eesp/summer/swissitaly/index.shtml Optional excursions, Switzerland and Lopez Island (San Juan islands) Informational session for…

Farm Professor George Conneman: A Tribute

My recent trip to Cornell had a very nice surprise: A visit with Professor George Conneman, my Farm Business Management professor in Agricultural Economics in the 1970s at Cornell. I attribute so much of what I do and teach now to the classes I took in Agricultural Economics and Agronomy at Cornell. Dr. Conneman was very gracious,…

The Cow Whisperer

Also in the Ithaca/Watkins Glen area, the cow whisperer — Melanie Janke. Ms. Janke knows by name (she named them) 175 of the 700 cows she milks on my friends’ dairy farm in Schuyler county. Her experience is vast, her wisdom the same — and there’s no one more sensitive to sick and needy livestock….

Slow Food for Symphony Camp

Fresh, Local, Organic (more or less), Sustainable, Seasonal….FLOSS for young musicians (working with a sympathetic institution, much is possible!). July 2012.