Gigi Berardi reads FoodWISE, part 3, on the beauty of pasture-raised dairy, and speculates on college enrollments. Image: Norwegian cheeses
Category: FoodWISE blog
FoodWISE, fats, and Cornell’s success
Gigi Berardi reads FoodWISE, on fats, and mentions this story on Cornell—rigorous testing and behavioral “pacts” seem to be working to keep the virus at bay. Cornell’s success.
FoodWISE and fats review, and a word on vaccines
Gigi Berardi records FoodWISE and discusses fats, and offers her framework for the next big thing—vaccines.
FoodWISE and Whole
Gigi Berardi reads FoodWISE, on the meaning of Whole. A fun story tonight: cats and their humans: I figure every 200 vlogs, we need one! Image: Unsplash
FoodWISE review—local markets and delicious bread
Gigi Berardi reads Part 3 of FoodWISE—a review, and offers a NYT article on local vs. global, highlighting the work of an Australian researcher.
FoodWISE review—and news from NPR on the doubling of food insecurity during the pandemic
Gigi Berardi reads FoodWISE, the beginning of Part 3, “FoodWISE: Choosing Experience.” She notes the doubling of food insecurity during the pandemic. Image: New home today for the laying hens
FoodWISE—putting it all into practice
Gigi Berardi concludes Part 2, and continues with putting FoodWISE into practice. This article tonight, was one of the first to describe FoodWISE, the entire story: Grow Northwest
FoodWISE simplified with some delicous vegan dishes—and a note about Fall Family Weekend at Western
Gigi Berardi reads FoodWISE, a few closing paragraphs about Our Shared World of Food, and shares here an image of a beautiful Vegan meal—she helped to cook many during her 5 months in Dornach, Switzerland (two years ago). She mentions Fall Family Weekend, where she will be speaking on cheese.
FoodWISE themes!
Gigi Berardi reads FoodWISE, summarizing the main themes! And talks about moving her sheep to their winter home, offering this website for food viewing: food journeys
FoodWISE, foods, and taste
Gigi Berardi reads FoodWISE, talks about the foods we like to eat, and mentions some interesting results from Italy’s top sensory science lab.