FoodWISE, science, ideas about contagious disease

Gigi at her book launch in January (Bellingham Washington) What do we believe? Can we borrow from history to see where our ideas on contagion come from, and how we act on them? Gigi Berardi reads FoodWISE, on respectable science, and highlights “ancient” beliefs about contagious disease, as here: ancient wine windows    

FoodWISE and honest science

Gigi Berardi reads FoodWISE, on the science of food and diets, but asks questions about the nature of science, as well. So, does Stanford, here: could Stanford be Cornell?

FoodWISE and science

Gigi Berardi begins Section 2 of Part 2 of FoodWISE, on the role of science in our beliefs about food. And here, an interesting review of a new novel that takes a critical look at lying—and how lies are delivered. elena-ferrante-lying-life-of-adults

FoodWISE and successful “diets”

Gigi Berardi reads FoodWISE, continuing on with her section, “Believing Diets.” Provocative article from the Seattle Times: people living longer?

FoodWISE and yo-yo dieting

Gigi Berardi reads FoodWISE, what happens when we “yo-yo” diet? Lose and regain the same 10# or 25# or 125#? Our bodies are complex, sophisticated and, at times, unpredictable. Read about all that in The Atlantic tonight: the pandemic’s central mystery.

FoodWISE and eating fat to lose fat?

Eat fat to lose fat? Gigi Berardi reads FoodWISE, on the body’s daily nutrient requirements and how it very cleverly adjusts when we practice caloric restriction (via ketosis and more). And, two articles tonight, what’s a clean wine after what’s a clean wine after all? AND food security issues, again.     Image, my preferred…

FoodWISE, thinness, and re-indigenizing food

Gigi Berardi reads FoodWISE, on our obsession with thinness, and questions around re-indigenizing food, see: Subject: [sjcfarmandfood] Webinar: Re-Indigenizing Food,” August 7th at 12:00 PM PT We look forward to seeing you at our next “Food Systems Friday” Webinar on August 7th – Re-indigenizing Food. Re-indigenizing food is about culture. Colonization and the associated…

FoodWISE and perfectionist ideals

Gigi Berardi reads FoodWISE (, on diets and perfectionist ideals—both, unachievable. Her call to “do the right thing” extends to her reading of an article on Italy: Key is quick and decisive responses, re: lockdown and preventing new clusters of infection—although, clearly, “complacency remains the jet fuel of the pandemic.”