Whim W’Him/IN-spired/January, 2016/Cornish Playhouse at Seattle Center There’s much about Whim W’Him’s winter program, besides the name, that is In-spired. The choreographers, the choreography, the dancers’ intriguing ensemble of five men (Kyle Johnson, Jim Kent, Patrick Kilbane, Thomas Phelan, Justin Reiter) and two women (Mia Monteabaro and Tory Peil), the artistic director, the performing space,…
Category: Uncategorized
The exquisite Jean-Christophe Maillot Romeo et Juliette
Jean-Christophe Maillot’s Romeo et Juliette offers roles that challenge even the most brilliant of dancers. In PNB’s winter program, featured dancers Noelani Pantastico, Lesley Rausch and Jerome Tisserand, Laura Tisserand, Seth Orza, Jonathan Porretta, Margeret Mullin, others – met that challenge. Could they be transcendent? (Yes, is the short answer. Read on.) So powerful in…
Candlemas, Candeleria, Imbolc, Persephone, Groundhog Day — February 2
February 2 is the first day of spring in many traditions! I celebrated this year by attending a very beautiful service in Everson, WA — where candles were display. Typically, this was the time of year when people melted down old and odd bits of candle to make new candles — my children did this…
My favorite dance program of 2015 (Seattle’s Pacific Northwest Ballet)
At the start of the New Year, I take a few minutes to reflect on how robust the dance scene is in Seattle, as well as north of the border in Canada. I have indeed been fortunate to have academic jobs that allow me to busy myself with both dance classes and dance writing. Western…
So You Think You Can Dance?
The So You Think You Can Dance 2015 Tour made it to the very wintery Pacific Northwest, heating up the city of Abbotsford, BC. On a frigid January 9, the 14 dancers of the tour played to a packed house – Abbotsford’s Entertainment and Sports Centre. As attendees were downing beer, pretzels, popcorn, hot dogs…
Recipe–salmon and cheese pate
SALMON AND CHEESE PATE Whole (garlic and lemon) Inexpensive (heck yes, with the canned pink – the way in which most people used to eat salmon in the lower 48) Slow (actually, this is pretty darned fast) Equitable (use family-fished salmon, if possible) 1 (7 oz.) can pink salmon (of course you could substitute fresh,…
Celebrating today ..Teaching in Switzerland and Italy
I guess it takes a birthday to post some of my favorite pictures from this year’s teaching in Switzerland and Italy. Each year, I think the same thing — this is my best group ever ….and how can it be even more fabulous for next year? Somehow, it is. Mille grazie a tutti!
More food and diet heroes — from academe
Robert Lustig There are plenty of scientists like Seneff, working in near-obscurity. But there also are plenty others who are much more accessible and known – Robert Lustig is one such scientist. So, just as Stephanie Seneff, a computer engineer, uses biochemistry to explain metabolism nd health, so does Robert Lustig, the difference is he…
Stephanie Seneff’s not-so-radical ideas on diet
There’s more. What if what we know as heart disease was the result of cholesterol deposits, as a silo or reservoir, close to the heart muscle so that vital cholesterol (easily transported as the highly agreeable, miscible, and absolutely critical cholesterol sulfate anion) is available to bind and neutralize endotoxins released by infectious bacteria.[1] What…
Food Heroine — Stephanie Seneff
But let’s get back to food choice, and science, and information – can a top-researcher like Stephanie Seneff prevail in her saturated fats campaign? Stephanie Seneff Stephanie Seneff walks in a number of professional worlds – maintaining her senior research associate position at MIT, but also speaking her mind, via her research, in any forum…