Fermented bread, Tassajara style, requires a sponge first!

My favorite recipe is from Tassajara….but it’s the fermented grains that make it a whole food…..You can buy them, or just soak the wheat berries overnight, dry, then mill. The sponge is created with gentle stirring and kneading, creating a wet mixture, ready for rising. Add the rest of the rye and wheat flours, oats,…

FoodWISE—bread and Bread Lab, coronavirus models that make sense

In my reading and vlog tonight (see below), I highlight yeasts and bread baking in FoodWISE and invite readers to follow up with any of Stephen Jones’ work in The Bread Lab. In terms of coronavirus, I invite you to look at a reasoned and reasonable article in The Seattle Times, highlighting infection rates, models,…

Some FoodWISE thoughts on bread!

See here for a lively discussion of bread! Bread? Yes, commercial vs…well, what you might make at home… http://thebreadlab.wsu.edu/redefining-bread/ This is from Stephen Jones. The best way to think about the difference between store-bough bread and all the variations you might make… is in terms of the length of fermentation (slow fermentation usually involves “the…