Gigi Berardi reads FoodWISE on shopping, and offers some tips for asking the right questions.
Tag: Cooking
FoodWISE and meal prep
FoodWISE, and making meal prep easy.
FoodWISE cooking
Gigi Berardi reads FoodWISE, on cooking with economy and grace.
FoodWISE, MFK Fisher, and back-to-basics cooking
Gigi Berardi reads FoodWISE, on simple foods and great tastes, MFK Fisher, and back-to-basics cooking.
FoodWISE, dilly beans, feeding a family of 8
Gigi Berardi reads FoodWISE, on feeding a family of eight, taking a few short cuts but making it whole. Here, a post—not all FoodWISE, but mostly. Image: our raw wax beans, soon to be processed into dilly beans (recipe in book)
Gigi Berardi reads FoodWISE on the simplicity of good meals, local breads, and the local mills that support them:
FoodWISE, vegetable stews, and the Small Planet Institute
Gigi Berardi reads FoodWISE, on the hearty meals she loved with her family—and cooking the same for Frances Moore Lappe of Diet for a Small Planet and Small Planet Institute Fame: Small Planet Institute.
FoodWISE home cooking
Gigi Berardi reads FoodWISE, on home cooking. Image: lefse-making for an annual Scandinavian Fair
More iconic FoodWISE foods
Gigi Berardi reads FoodWISE—on cooking! Whats gets us into the kitchen? And here, more iconic foods, across the country.
FoodWISE, recipes, fish
Gigi Berardi reads FoodWISE on cooking and recipes—and some iconic Washington foods.