Gigi Berardi reads FoodWISE, on food miles, and when is it best to eat locally.
Tag: Cooking
FoodWISE and the research that the food industry is fond of…
Gigi Berardi reads FoodWISE and reports of the kind of research that the food industry is most likely to conduct.
FoodWISE, good masks, favorite salad
FoodWISE tonight, and good masks for safety and salads for Wholesome.
FoodWISE, informed shopping, and best examples—Ciao Thyme
Gigi Berardi reads FoodWISE, on informed shopping and delicious cooking—and the evolution of a food institution in Bellingham—Ciao Thyme. Image: Ciao Thyme catered many events at the Whatcom Hills Waldorf School
FoodWISE and choosing “I” for information
Gigi Berardi reads FoodWISE, and the importance of the “I” for information in “WISE,” especially now. Here, Covid spikes in Europe.
FoodWISE—making food choices simple
Gigi Berardi reads FoodWISE, on how to simplify food choices, amidst lockdown concerns.
FoodWISE, sugars, pandemic
Gigi Berardi reads FoodWISE, reviewing sugars—and that we are more alike than not in how we metabolize them. Same with COVID—we are more alike than not! Let’s stay safe and social distance, and mask up! See what happens when we don’t. Image: Those Simple Sugars
FoodWISE, how to choose fats, how to stay safe
Gigi Berardi reads FoodWISE, on choosing whole fats—and then offers this article on how to stay safe during the COVID-19 pandemic. Image: Heavy on the fish, light on the bread.
FoodWISE, fats, and Cornell’s success
Gigi Berardi reads FoodWISE, on fats, and mentions this story on Cornell—rigorous testing and behavioral “pacts” seem to be working to keep the virus at bay. Cornell’s success.
FoodWISE simplified with some delicous vegan dishes—and a note about Fall Family Weekend at Western
Gigi Berardi reads FoodWISE, a few closing paragraphs about Our Shared World of Food, and shares here an image of a beautiful Vegan meal—she helped to cook many during her 5 months in Dornach, Switzerland (two years ago). She mentions Fall Family Weekend, where she will be speaking on cheese.