FoodWISE—is sugar addictive?

Gigi Berardi reads FoodWISE, more on Robert Lustig’s work—is sugar addictive? And what about fructose? It’s easy to find work on this, published by universities—although some may be a little dated, as here: university musings on sugar. FoodWISE has recent references on all discussed in the book.     Image: Tarte and cream, from a…

FoodWISE, vital fats, and vital information—college town update

Image: Ricotta cheese—what happens when the body is deprived of vital fats?   Gigi Berardi reads FoodWISE, on the vital role of fats and theories about what happens when the body is deprived of fat. Also, update on college towns, practical wisdom, and coronavirus surges

FoodWISE and provocative research

Image: Fats incorporated into delicious beans. Gigi Berardi reads FoodWISE, on fats and statins, and offers this story on what’s happening to New York City.

FoodWISE, fat, and sun

Gigi Berardi reads FoodWISE—looking at some theoretical work on fats! And offers some information on vaccines, typical of the different arguments being made: what’s the deal with Vaccines I? and what’s the deal with Vaccines II?