Sustainable Crab in the Salish Sea

Sustainable fish, as I discuss in FoodWISE, is challenging. With a few exceptions (e.g., Pacific salmon, freshwater fish elsewhere), overfishing (think some species of tuna, or Chilean Sea Bass), and pollution and toxicity (think farmed shellfish) are serious socio-environmental problems. So I want to avoid ordering it out. But, in the Salish Sea—responsible crabbing is…

Sustainable Crab

As I write in FoodWISE, sustainable fish, as we saw in Part 1, is challenging. With some exceptions (e.g., Pacific salmon, freshwater fish elsewhere), overfishing (think some species of tuna, or Chilean sea bass), and pollution and toxicity (think farmed shellfish from some countries) can be serious problems. Harvesting crab in the San Juans From…