Gigi Berardi reads FoodWISE about what science tells us. Yesterday she reported on FoodWISE receiving two more awards today—first place for Literature and in Health/Diet/Nutrition in the Royal Dragonfly Book Awards. On her new landing page, she’ll be giving away several copies of FoodWISE in December. She has also created a resource for her favorite…
Tag: Diet
FoodWISE, thinness, and re-indigenizing food
Gigi Berardi reads FoodWISE, on our obsession with thinness, and questions around re-indigenizing food, see: Subject: [sjcfarmandfood] Webinar: Re-Indigenizing Food,” August 7th at 12:00 PM PT We look forward to seeing you at our next “Food Systems Friday” Webinar on August 7th – Re-indigenizing Food. Re-indigenizing food is about culture. Colonization and the associated…
FoodWISE, convenience, my father’s jacket—and COVID impacts in Washington state and elsewhere
Gigi Berardi reads FoodWISE, Our Personal World of Food, about what we are buying when we buy “convenience.” Stories tonight include pandemic impacts close to home (Blaine, WA), as reported in the New York Times, here: And those hitting very close to home—faculty layoffs,, with University of Akron reporting one of the largest…
FoodWISE and experience—convenience in the age of coronavirus?
Here is another FoodWISE installment—where I mention the FoodWISE guidelines: W for Whole, I for Informed, S for Sustainable, and E for Experienced—and some interesting articles I’d like to draw your attention to—one from The Seattle Times, and one from The New York Times. First, The Seattle Times talks about a big bump in numbers…
Several (more) important lessons from jazzercise (no less).
I am struck by how something as simple as focus — during exercise — can actually increase caloric expenditure. It’s easy for eyes-to-glaze-over in technique class, sometimes we are barely present. True, dance can serve as a kind of meditation, but often, at least in classical ballet, the dance practice itself has direction and intent,…