FoodWISE, doing the right thing

Gigi Berardi concludes Part 1 of FoodWISE and asks about ways forward in trying to match health care resources with COVID case increases. Doing the right thing extends to many management decisions, as discussed in this article, in the case of Kenya, discussed in a class Gigi currently teaches, International Business and Food Sustainability.  

FoodWISE, undeserving, resilience

Gigi Berardi reads FoodWISE, about the “undeserving,” and resilience. See: Who’s resilient and why does it matter?   Image: resilience (my cheese cave)

FoodWISE, food security, Birchwood Food Desert Fighters, and day laborers in Mumbai

Gigi Berardi reads on food security, connecting Birchwood Food Desert Fighter with day laborers in Mumbai, and asking questions about resilience. See birchwoodfoodjustice and food desert fighters, as well as See, too: labor lives matter Image: Inexpensive and nutritious bean stew, food security is a basic human right.

FoodWISE, food insecurity

Gigi reads FoodWISE on food insecurity, and reflects on best practices in online learning: Learning about online learning Image: Local food resilience (Ferndale Farmstead)