FoodWISE, coronavirus, hunger

Gigi Berardi reads from the Introduction to FoodWISE, and on how we need to be creative in our shopping and cooking choices—making do with less. This is especially true given our current Coronavirus pandemic. Those of us with resources—our country, in particular—need to plan for continued pandemic and serious supply chain shortfalls. By planning now,…

A Sane and Compassionate FoodWISE and EducationWISE—we are all in this together

Gigi Berardi  reads about the importance of making sane food choices—yes, whole, informed, sustainable, and experience are all part of the consideration, but we also need self-compassion. Experience, practical wisdom, and practical knowledge contribute to good food choices. In these times, however, being resilient is just as important. This is true not only for our…

Farming and Fishing in the Age of Coronavirus

Gigi Berardi reads about  technology, farms, and communities in FoodWISE. She mentions Marjorie Spock, whose work and role in the environmental effects of DDT was uncovered in research conducted by Dan McKanan of the Harvard Divinity School, and then wonders about challenges in the fishing industry in the era of coronavirus—can the fishing industry stay…

FoodWISE and coronavirus—who to believe?

Photo: Rose Marie Cromwell for The New York Times I continue with reading FoodWISE, asking, what is “Whole?” I discuss information overload and how, in these days of coronavirus lockdown, it’s impossible to know who to believe—the same message as FoodWISE: Gigi reads FoodWISE. Who do you want to believe (ergo, confirmation bias)—we are running…

Gigi Berardi reads FoodWISE in the age of coronavirus, and asks, “Is this the New Normal?” And what is it—are people hunkering down with junk food or planting tomato starts? Some news can’t make up its mind.

I’m switching gears a bit in my video series, with the title—Gigi Berardi reads FoodWISE, and asks, “Is this the new normal?” The New York Times (and gosh, the newspaper seems to go back and forth between “We-are-all-digging-a-big-hole-and jumping in with a year’s supply of cupcakes and potato chips, read: comfort food” AND everyone’s planting…

We are resilient!

This has been a very challenging week, for sure, as institutions around the world, including in our own country, have implemented coronavirus-containment measures–and that includes cancelling a lot of events. As for my own institution, Western Washington University, I’m pleased that it is doing the sensible thing with isolation procedures for the entire community of…