FoodWISE, how we do science, women farmers

Gigi Berardi reads FoodWISE, asks questions about science, and then mentions women in food production. Here, in the UK: women are the stewards Image:  Gigi, milking sheep and making cheese—here, the first cut of curd

FoodWISE, science, ideas about contagious disease

Gigi at her book launch in January (Bellingham Washington) What do we believe? Can we borrow from history to see where our ideas on contagion come from, and how we act on them? Gigi Berardi reads FoodWISE, on respectable science, and highlights “ancient” beliefs about contagious disease, as here: ancient wine windows    

FoodWISE and successful “diets”

Gigi Berardi reads FoodWISE, continuing on with her section, “Believing Diets.” Provocative article from the Seattle Times: people living longer?

FoodWISE and eating fat to lose fat?

Eat fat to lose fat? Gigi Berardi reads FoodWISE, on the body’s daily nutrient requirements and how it very cleverly adjusts when we practice caloric restriction (via ketosis and more). And, two articles tonight, what’s a clean wine after what’s a clean wine after all? AND food security issues, again.     Image, my preferred…