In our article we will address the effects artificial intelligence has on decision making within a marketing context. Our research question is: “How does implementation of Artificial Intelligence change employee decision making in regards to marketing within an organization?”

 Davenport, T., Guha, A., Grewal, D., & Bressgott, T. (2020). How artificial intelligence will change the future of marketing. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 48(1), 24– 42. ‘

This Conceptual/Theoretical paper was published in October 2019.This paper focuses on how AI will change how artificial intelligence and the difficulties behind artificial intelligence. The paper talks a lot about how customers have trust issues and issues letting artificial intelligence perform tasks for them and with them. This paper explains the hard decisions marketers will have to make in how they will reach, support, and create a profit from their customers. I think this paper is very important for our topic because it explains the difficult decisions marketers will have to make with artificial intelligence.

Smith, C. (2019). An employee’s best friend? How AI can boost employee engagement and performance. Strategic HR Review, 18(1), 17–20.

In this article it is shown that AI is being used more and more. We can see this in banking websites, clothing stores, phone companies and more. AI is a part of technology that cannot be avoided but instead used as an advantage for employees, consumers and employers. The information and evidence given in this article can help marketers better understand the benefits and changes AI brings. Sometimes we may want a person to person customer service but having an automated robot can provide an easier way of accessing information. In this article we can read the ways we can start benefitting from AI and also how to get employees to benefit and learn from it.

Overgoor, G., Chica, M., Rand, W., & Weishampel, A. (2019). Letting the Computers Take Over: Using AI to Solve Marketing Problems. California Management Review , 61 (4), 156185.

This article gives insight on how in the future we’ll be able to use AI to help

create a different type of marketing. They talk about how so many of the issues we

deal with today in marketing will soon be able to make progress in those areas in a

positive way. I think that the knowledge that this article brings to light can really

help us navigate how we will be able to best use AI in the near future.

Burke, R. R., Rangaswamy, A., Wind, J., & Eliashberg, J. (1990). A Knowledge-Based System for Advertising Design. Marketing Science, 9(3), 212.

This Journal describes how marketers can use new tools powered by artificial intelligence to help them problem solve in areas like advertising design. The authors specifically focus on a system called ADCAD. This system helps marketers with forming advertising objectives, communication approaches, and copy strategy. I will use this Journal to describe how employees working in advertising design can change their decision making towards problems in a more efficient way.

Quinn, L., Dibb, S., Simkin, L., Canhoto, A. and Analogbei, M. (2016), “Troubled waters: the transformation of marketing in a digital world”, European Journal of Marketing, Vol. 50 No. 12, pp. 2103-2133.

This article explains how target-market selection are changing due to rapidly evolving technological landscape. It was published on 2016 and it focuses on how marketing strategy implementation is a complex phenomenon. Also, how AI will help managers plan out a marketing strategy that will benefit both consumers and businesses. Marketing strategies are always changing due to consumer behaviors and AI will help managers adapt to those changes based on how consumers react to a product. I believe this article is necessary for our paper because it explains how AI will influence the choices that managers make for their marketing strategy.

By: Arely Zambrano, Madison Drake, Omar Vega, Jonathan Herrera, Selam Swier