Kerrigan, F., & Schaefer, A. (2007). Equality and diversity in marketing. ProQuest Ebook Central


This article discusses the importance of equality and diversity within the practice of marketing and uses examples of studies and other articles published to reinstate this importance. It discusses how the “marketing concept is based on the idea that marketers follow customer expectations” and how they “should make room for a wide variety of consumer tastes and expectations being met”. It also addresses other studies that have found that different groups consume in different ways and may attach different meanings to consumption. One of the studies within the article that I found particularly interesting was comparing the response of students within Christian and Muslim communities to ethics in marketing. As this article was written pre-pandemic, it’s essential to compare the views from before and after and analyze how these important practices have changed. 


          Murray, J. A., O’Driscoll, A., & Torres, A. (2002). Discovering diversity in marketing practice. European Journal of Marketing


This article emphasizes the importance and necessity of having a diverse workforce within a company and how diversity in a competitive market, like marketing, can create pathways to better, more innovative ideas between a team of marketers. Also, this article includes different structures and strategies to use within a company to operate effectively while also generating an environment that is inclusive and inviting to all no matter their race, gender, age, sexuality, etc. Lastly, this article highlights the significance of having marketers that are willing to try new marketing practices and abandon the old, typical ways of project marketing. This article is relevant to our research because it focuses on not just marketing practices, but the marketers themselves and how diversity and management structure can influence their practice and create an atmosphere in which everyone can express themselves and bring their ideas about without fear of criticism. 


          Kniffin, K. M., Narayanan, J., Anseel, F., Antonakis, J., Ashford, S. P., Bakker, A. B., … & Vugt, M. V. (2021). COVID-19 and the workplace: Implications, issues, and insights for future research and action. American Psychologist, 76(1), 63. 


The article above goes into detail about what changes are made to the workplace, work practices and workers in general. Lots of things have changed, some being sped up and others almost halted, and they go in depth about specific things. One specific thing is the online marketing teams have grown a ton. There was a huge growth in virtual teams due to COVID-19 but, states there is a tendency “to lack the communication richness of face-to-face”. Another major point in the document talks about the “Social Distancing and Loneliness”. A commonly forgotten interaction due to COVID-19, that has a big impact on marketing and work diversity, is the hand shake. This is a huge thing people forget about now that we are mostly virtual, and do not make any contact. This is known as one of the most valuable social connections and definitely makes a huge impact on the marketing and diversity. This is all relevant because these things directly relate to our marketing and diversity decisions. If someone feels left out or there is a lack of diversity due to one of these reasons we need to be aware of it.


          McKinsey Quarterly. (2020, May 19). Diversity still matters. Www.Mckinsey.Com.

Article discussing the risk of covid making companies support I&D less, with evidence to back up the value in sustaining diversity within a company for recovery and growth. Our project relates to how diversity affects marketing opportunities, and the article directly relates to this through looking at diversities potential to help a business weather through and bounce back from an event like covid with ideas that come from myriad, vivid cultures in the workplace.


          Jiang, Yangyang, and Jun Wen. “Effects of COVID-19 on Hotel Marketing and Management: a Perspective Article.” International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, vol. 32, no. 8, 2020, pp. 2563–2573., doi:10.1108/ijchm-03-2020-0237. 

This article goes into detail of the Effects of Covid-19 on the hotel marketing industry. The article mainly talks about how cleanliness and hygiene has changed for hospitals during Covid-19, but it also discusses Health and Healthcare in this new changing industry. The part of the article we want to focus on most is the section about AI and Robots. Hotels are planning on marketing as “contactless” hotels, which means getting rid of the base level of customer service and offline marketing. It paves the new wave of marketing by getting rid of base human customer service and offline marketing, and replaces it with robot customer service and marketing.


Emma Fortney, Griffin Garnett, Niko Biros, Kade Clubb, Joseph Cormier