Businesses and equal opportunity employment hiring ‘opportunities.’

Our presentation analyzes the effect managers can have over equal opportunity employment hires and their retention rates in workspaces. 


Equal Employment Opportunity: Labor Market Discrimination and Public Policy. (n.d.). (n.p.): Aldine de Gruyter. 

Employment discrimination has been and continues to be a dominant debated concern in the business field. This book is centered around the basics of equal employment opportunities and the crucial issues and controversies that follow with it. A significant section included in this book is labor market discrimination theories. This will be useful to our presentation and research because we can examine how these theories relate to common situations and how these theories can be seen as beneficial or consequential. 


Hinkin TR, Schriesheim CA. An examination of “nonleadership”: from laissez-faire leadership to leader reward omission and punishment omission. J Appl Psychol. 2008 Nov;93(6):1234-48. doi: 10.1037/a0012875. PMID: 19025245.

This article examines the relationship between laissez-faire leadership styles and employee satisfaction with leadership. The study shows the relationship between various levels of intervention by leadership and quantifies the level of employee satisfaction by analyzing satisfaction with leadership and the employees perception of the leader’s effectiveness among other metrics. Our presentation analyzes employee retention which can be directly impacted by employee satisfaction. Additionally, the article analyzes the effects of varying levels of response from leadership to both good and poor employee performance situations which will also tie into employee retention. 


HyeonUk Bak, Myung H. Jin, Bruce D. McDonald III. (2021) Unpacking the Transformational Leadership-Innovative Work Behavior Relationship: The Mediating Role of Psychological Capital. Public Performance & Management Review 0:0, pages 1-26. 

In this article, we see an OB model designed to show the research on how it impacts positive psychological capital(psycap). Contingent Feedback, Psychological Capital, Problem Solving Performance, and Reported Innovation make up the model. Psycap is constructed by efficacy, optimism, hope, and resilience, recent studies show the connections to employee behaviors, attitudes, and performance. Negativity activates a fight/flight response among many employees, while positivity allows a person to build their psychological resources.  This ties in with retention as we see how negativity and positivity influence the retention rate, and also how behaviors influence hiring opportunities. 


JAMPOLSKY, L. encourage positive thinking makes exceptional employees. Supervision, [s. l.], v. 76, n. 8, p. 9–11, 2015. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 jan. 2022. 

This article “encourage positive thinking makes exceptional employees” by Lee Jampolsky, talks about how to adapt to any stressful situation and turn that situation into a beneficial one, and also equipping your employees with the sources and tools in order to do so. You as a manager hold a high importance on the attitudes of your employees and how they handle your customers, within the article exceptional behavior is talked about and also how to achieve this from a manager’s point is explained in detail. The article not only talks about how to train employees and managers but also explains the importance of having a team bond and also accepting and welcoming failure. Don’t take failure as the end of your success, it is supposed to be taken as a learning experience to bounce back from and achieve even greater success. This matters for our topic because it explains thoroughly how important a manager’s role is and how having a good manager can affect the team for the better ultimately changing everyone’s work ethic for the better, and having happy employees willing to be coached increases the companies retention rates. 


Hall, M., & Schmid, P. C. (1997). In Wanting to be a Boss and Wanting to be a Subordinate (40th ed., pp. 458–472). essay, Journal of Applied Social Psychology. 

This source discusses the importance of acknowledging individuals’ aspirations in the workplace. (Whether it’s a boss or subordinate). It also details how it can be stressful for some individuals to take up a leadership position and it shows that it’s not always ideal to prescribe leadership roles to those who don’t want them, not everyone is fit for a leadership position. This article talks a lot about power in positions vs power in motivations; these can even be personal aspirations of an individual.  It’s important to level those who want to move up in positions from those who do not wish to move up. In addition to this, it also discusses a boss’s legitimacy in the workplace, meaning whether or not people respect/acknowledge them as their boss. This can obviously show whether or not their subordinates respect them.


Ramlall, S. J., Al-Kahtani, A., & Damanhouri, H. (2014). Positive Organizational Behavior In The Workplace: A Cross-Cultural Perspective. International Journal of Management & Information Systems (IJMIS), 18(3), 149–154. 

This article talks about the importance of satisfaction from your environment and the work you do. More often, workspaces are focusing on wellness and how to make their employees happier. Happiness can be attributed to overall well-being in and outside of the workplace. Although work can bring some people happiness, these days many people work over 49 hours a week to make ends meet. It’s important to watch for things like burnout in the workplace because it can contribute to negative attitudes. 


Team Name – The Go-Getters 


Katelyn Mueller 

Jasmine Flamer 

Cole Bergquist

Ben Villa

Navjot Singh