Research Topic: How representative diversity within a marketing team can improve the creativity and performance of the team?

Project Explanation: The implications of promoting diversity in the workplace to cultivate a more inspired, well-rounded, and collaborative marketing team.  

Negandhi, A. R., & Robey, D. (1977). Understanding Organizational Behavior in Multinational and Multicultural Settings. Human Resource Management, 16(1), 16–23.

In this research article, Anant R. Negandhi and Daniel Robey discuss the impact and theories behind working in a multicultural workplace setting. The basis of their approach and mentioned theories on this starts with comparative management; looking at how organizational behavior and management differ across borders. An individual’s cultural orientation whether its values, beliefs, or norms ultimately impacts their contribution towards organizational effectiveness. Not only does this article provide theories and helpful explanations about understanding and working off of these cultural differences, but further provides charts and diagrams that illustrate many of the ideas. Ultimately, assessing similarities and differences across different teams around the world gives us a starting point for researching our topic.

Akpapuna, M., Choi, E., Johnson, D. A., & Lopez, J. A. (2020). Encouraging multiculturalism and diversity within organizational behavior management. Journal of Organizational Behavior Management, 40(3-4), 186-209.

In this journal, Merrilyn Akpapuna, Eunju Choi, Douglas A. Johnson, and Juan A. Lopez, discuss how racism is within our society and implementing organizational behavior management within businesses, higher education, and society can bring about change. It gives ideas as to ways we could go about it like reflecting on a personal and professional level, amplifying underrepresented groups’ voices, and bringing BIPOC into fields through higher education. This source is important for our project because it relates to the lack of diversity in our field and in our society in general.

Young, S. J., & Seung, H. D. (2018, May 25). Age diversity, group organizational citizenship behavior, and group performance: Exploring the moderating role of charismatic leadership and participation in decision‐making. Retrieved January 28, 2022, from

In this journal, they studied the effect of age diversity in a team setting. This is important to our research on how diversity affects the team in a positive way such as promoting an inspiring and more collaborative space. This is exactly what the reading ends up proving through a group performance of 99 teams in a Korean bank.

Aramovich, N. P., & Mason, D. C. (2013, October 13). The Psychological Benefits of Creating an Affirming Climate for Workplace Diversity. Retrieved January 28, 2022, from

This reading explores the potential for positive and negative outcomes when it comes to having a diverse team. They focus on better understanding why and how diversity leads to positive outcomes. This is important and relevant to our research topic because having a plan to incorporate diversity successfully is worthwhile to have a creative and productive marketing team.

Kipnis, E., Demangeot, C., Pullig, C., Cross, S. N., Cui, C. C., Galalae, C., … & Williams, J. D. (2021). Institutionalizing Diversity-and-Inclusion-Engaged Marketing for Multicultural Marketplace Well-Being. Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, 40(2), 143-164.

In this journal, multiple authors contribute to the discussion of diversity-inclusion-based marketing tactics (DIEM). They go over multiple studies, data analytics, and discussions of DIEM. This study is important to our project with its recency from 2021, and focus on multicultural issues with the workforce which stem from current events like COVID-19, and so forth.

David Theisen, Serenity Hammons, Bilan Osman, Nick Mattas, Serina Metcalfe