Our presentation is created to raise awareness and inform the audience about the lack of diversity within business leadership positions. POC, women, and LGBTQ+ are the specific groups that we will be focusing on that lack diversity in the business field and upper level. We want to highlight how to make more opportunities to create diversity in leadership roles within a business environment as well as how management can work to increase diversity within a business

Annotated References


Duchek, Raetze, S., & Scheuch, I. (2019). The role of diversity in organizational resilience: a theoretical framework. Business Research (Göttingen), 13(2), 387–423. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40685-019-0084-8

  • The authors researched the correlation between diversity and organizational resilience. They narrowed down their search to focus on how diversity plays a role in organizational resilience and what that means for diversifying management. Throughout the research they incorporated key components of resilience and what diversity brings to management. Creating a space for more diverse thinking will potentially increase insight and decrease repetitive thinking. This will also allow more opportunities for those of different backgrounds to spread their ideas.


Fernando Martín-Alcázar, Pedro M. Romero-Fernández, & Gonzalo Sánchez-Gardey. (2012). Transforming Human Resource Management Systems to Cope with Diversity. Journal of Business Ethics, 107(4), 511–531. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10551-011-1061-0

  • The model established in the article provides practices that have been implemented and analyzed by professionals as an effective approach in relation to diversity management. It is important to consider these methods in approaching our topic. This article discusses limitations of traditional diversity management in human resource management, and how to harness the benefits of increasing diversity through the promotion of  “inclusiveness, collectivism, and appreciation of individual differences” in the structure of a business (Martín-Alcázar, Romero-Fernández, & Sánchez-Gardey, 2012 p 523). The authors share their model of what changes can be implemented by business leaders depending on what kind of diversity they are targeting and the impact they are hoping to achieve. 

University of Minnesota Libraries Publishing. (2017). 2.2 Demographic Diversity. In       Organizational behavior. Essay. https://open.lib.umn.edu/organizationalbehavior/chapter/2-2-demographic-diversity/

  • This chapter discusses the importance of demographic diversity in organizations, going in depth about the benefits of increased diversity in the workplace, as well as the issues leaders must face in managing diversity. Managing demographic diversity relates to how managers can implement more diversity in their hiring process. 

Fujimoto, & E.J. Härtel, C. (2017). Organizational diversity learning framework: going beyond diversity training programs. Personnel Review, 46(6), 1120–1141. https://doi.org/10.1108/PR-09-2015-0254

  • This article points out the faults that occur when organizations solely focus on diversity training programs, such as short-lived effects and lack of real change. It provides information on a diversity-learning approach to organizational behavior, furthering that in order to increase diversity within an organization companies must encourage all employees to value diversity and create a company culture of repeated inclusiveness within the workplace. The article supports our topic in regards to implementing diversity. 


Ledwith, S., & Hansen, L. L. (Eds.). (2013). Gendering and diversifying trade union leadership. New York: Routledge.

  • In this article Sue Abbott aims to examine key challenges that women face as trade union leaders. As we seek to find new ways of increasing diversity in leadership positions Sue Abbott challenges the preset culture of “stale, pale, and male” with the benefits of a more diverse leadership group. It is important to realize the benefits that having a more diverse leadership can have so that in our presentation we can justify why having more diverse leadership including more Women, POC, LGBTQ+ is beneficial to companies and organizations.


“Leadership Quarterly.” SCImago, https://www.scimagojr.com/journalsearch.php?q=21149&tip=sid&clean=0. Accessed 27 January 2022.

  • The leadership quarterly article is a journal for social science related to advancing understanding of leadership and how to study it. There are many different resources pulled to get this information, like psychology, management, political science, sociology, economics, anthropology, history and methodology, its aim is to inform on research, theory, and diverse fields about leadership. It also informs you on leadership in an informal setting. 


Bae, K. B., Lee, D., & Sohn, H. (2019). How to Increase Participation in Telework Programs in U.S. Federal Agencies: Examining the Effects of Being a Female Supervisor, Supportive Leadership, and Diversity Management. Public Personnel Management, 48(4), 565–583. https://doi.org/10.1177/0091026019832920

  • This article provides previous research in connection to teleworking and organizational performance along with supporting research that explains why employees who are eligible for teleworking programs do not utilize them. This study uses the 2013 Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey to look at the effects of being a female in a supervisor, supportive leadership, diversity management, and the moderating role effects factors on employee eligibility and participation in telework. The article discovers that both supportive leadership and diversity management can reduce the lack of in teleworking programs. It also found that the interactions between being a female supervisor and supportive leadership decreases the lack of participation within the telework program. The results from the research conducted suggest that female supervisors who use supportive leadership are more likely to contribute to the increasing number of public employees who are able to participate in telework programs.
  • This article could potentially help our presentation by giving women effective tips on how to be effective leaders if they are presented with the opportunity to do so. It is one accomplishment to be able to get into a leadership role as an underrepresented group, but to keep the position and do it well is also extremely valuable.

Acker, J. (2012). Gendered organizations and intersectionality: problems and possibilities. Equality, Diversity & Inclusion, 31(3), 214–224. https://doi.org/10.1108/02610151211209072

  • This article does a great job at explaining gender inequalities in organizations. This article discusses including the gendered substructure of organizations, gendered subtext, the gendered logic of organization and the abstract worker from the perspective of the original author. This article talks about the design/methodology approach, which is an approach that was used to consider how gender theorizing itself has become more complex with the emergence of intersectionality. The author also includes findings.






Sophie Dillard, Amara Fulton, Cierra McDowell, Gavin Cashmore, Fatima Deen-Conteh