The focal point of this research is to examine the managerial role in cultivating a workplace environment that is accommodating, productive, and engaging to its employees due to the collective transition towards remote workspaces.

This study delves into the research on and subsequent implementation of the self-determination theory as it applies to employees, detailing how strong leadership at work includes empowering employees by granting them autonomy. This article is critical to understanding how a leader may instill a sense of confidence into their employees so that they can easily navigate the change from in-person to remote work. It is relevant in that it studies the effects of enrichment in the workplace as well as how that carries into an employee’s home life and how these methods help to boost overall engagement and employee satisfaction. Additionally, this research was conducted in June 2020, making it current and insightful into the relatively new increase in remote occupations as the pandemic continues.

Kim, M., & Beehr, T. A. (2020). The long reach of the leader: Can empowering leadership at work result in enriched home lives? Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 25(3), 203–213.

This source covers how human resources and business management can impact the performance of a group. They used random sampling to collect the data from five different divisions. The data shows the impact of organizational climate on the workplace and what factors are most significant on performance. The factors they focus on are training, relationships with employees, planning of human resources, and compensation. This source is critical because it demonstrates how workplace climate affects the effectiveness and efficiency of an organization.

Chakraborty, D., & Biswas, W. (2021). Enlivening Workplace Climate Through Strategic Human Resource Management Initiatives: Unleashing Its Efficacy. Business Perspectives & Research, 9(3), 427–445.

This study analyzed 40 studies that examined the work-life balance of employees during the COVID-19 pandemic and how online and technologically assisted work affects employees while they are working from home. There are four themes covered in the article: work intensity, space limitation, technological limitations, family friends arrangements, and how housework all plays roles in the employees. This study is important to the online work climate because it dives into the effects of online and remote work on an organization. This is important because, in the future, more and more organizations are using remote resources in a day-to-day workload.

Shirmohammadi, M., Au, W. C., & Beigi, M. (2022). Remote work and work-life balance: Lessons learned from the covid-19 pandemic and suggestions for HRD practitioners. Human Resource Development International, 25(2), 163–181.

This article covers the pros and cons of remote work, common challenges managers are faced with when managing remote workers, and management strategies to overcome those common challenges.

The research was conducted with employees working remotely for IBM, a recognized leader in managing mobile teams. This research found the most common challenges to be:

  • Work-Life Balance
  • Workplace Isolation
  • Lack of Face-To-Face Communication
  • Lack of Visibility

In summary, this article serves as a guide for managers to maximize the chance of success for their remote employees in a way that benefits the company. With remote work becoming a new norm, managers need to ensure that they prioritize their employees, promote interaction between them, and be accessible to their employees whenever necessary. The article delves into common issues with remote work and offers viable solutions to those issues.

Mulki, J. P., Bardhi, F., Lassk, F. G., & Nanavaty-Dahl, J. (2009). Set up remote workers to thrive. MIT Sloan Management Review, 51(1), 63.

 A review of the literature published through the US: Educational Publishing Foundation, by the Journal of Occupational Health Psychology. On a broad scale, it goes over the Psychological Needs and theories of employee engagement in the workplace and the relationship to leadership enrichment of an organization through various lenses.

  • Needs satisfaction
  • Empowerment Leadership
  • Engagement
  • Leadership
  • Work-Life Spillover (Positive and negative)
    • Leadership Spillover Effects

The journals did the study to represent the U.S general population by surveying a variety of industries through measures of:

  • Autonomy
  • Meaningfulness of Work
  • Participation in Decision making
  • Dedication
  • Absorption
  • Work-home enrichment

Finally, the study concludes by assuming the following implication of the results. Organizations that can help employees experience positive work-life spillover through their middle-management team are better off. Therefore, organizations will find it helpful to promote such a situation through various given means. Another study then goes into how a company can make effective decisions by fostering a position where employee work can positively influence their home roles.

De Croon, Sluiter, J., Kuijer, P. P., & Frings-Dresen, M. (2005). The effect of office concepts on worker health and performance: a systematic review of the literature. Ergonomics, 48(2), 119–134.

According to our group contract, work has been evenly distributed among the entire team! It’s been a great experience so far.

Kyle Pettyjohn

Natasha Pereira

Ozzy Konez

Tyler Stewart

– Team Undecided