Organizational Behavior



Promoting Engagement in Mothers Working Remotely

Integrity in the remote workspace

During the Covid-19 pandemic, remote working has become more prominent than ever. While it is certainly convenient for workers and managers due to its flexibility, working remotely also creates problems for managers regarding creating a culture of integrity. In our… Continue Reading →

Employee Stress and Burnout with a Covid-19 Focus: The New Challenge for Management

The Covid-19 global pandemic has upended our previous way of life and left in its wake weary office workers, facing high levels of stress and burnout never seen before. Between lockdowns, remote work, and the invisible ever-present virus, workers are… Continue Reading →

Keeping Your Team Happy; Improvements Made to the Remote Workspace and its Effect on Productivity

The focal point of this research is to examine the managerial role in cultivating a workplace environment that is accommodating, productive, and engaging to its employees due to the collective transition towards remote workspaces. This study delves into the research… Continue Reading →

How Managers Can Support Remote Teams by Increasing Productivity and Eliminating Excess Work

The challenges of moving work online remote workers and their productivity face vary among teams depending on managers’ involvement in mitigating negative effects. The purpose of this project is to determine strategies managers can implement in their companies to increase… Continue Reading →

Integrity in the Remote Workspace

Our project is looking at how managers can create an environment and culture of integrity when employees are working remotely. Creating a culture of integrity is important, especially online, when it might be easier for employees to engage in dishonest… Continue Reading →

Employee Stress and Burnout with a Covid-19 Focus: The New Challenge for Management

  Project Purpose:  The Covid-19 global pandemic has upended our previous way of life and left in its wake weary office workers, facing high levels of stress and burnout never seen before. Between lockdowns, remote work, and the invisible ever-present… Continue Reading →

Promoting Engagement in Mothers Working Remotely

Research Statement: The shift to remote work, caused by the pandemic, has impacted mothers disproportionally. Due to this, managers need to find new ways to support and promote engagement in remote working mothers.   Aaronson, D., Hu, L., & Rajan,… Continue Reading →

How Technology-Assisted Leadership Has Changed During COVID-19. 

Our team looked at how COVID-19 impacted leadership styles and employee needs. While research is limited, we hope that this presentation will provide information for leaders to be mindful of as we continue moving forward in a virtual workforce.

How Top-Down Communication changed during the Covid- 19 pandemic and how to improve for future issues during a crisis

      In this presentation, we discuss the challenges of top-down communication that the Covid pandemic has brought on. The Global Impact of the covid 19 pandemic has left many employees and employers without answers to what their futures… Continue Reading →

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