Organizational Behavior


Fall 2020

COVID-19’s Effect on Women in the Technology Industry

Our country has had a long and tiresome fight with gender inequality. The tech industry, specifically, has continued to neglect using an intelligent and capable workforce to its full potential. Before the pandemic, studies showed that female identifying tech professionals… Continue Reading →

Understanding and Reducing Burnout in the Accounting Profession

This blog discusses the different methods to understand and reduce burnout in accountants to increase job satisfaction and reduce job turnover. Aritzeta, A., Ayestaran, S., & Swailes, S. (2005). Team Role Preference And Conflict Management Styles. International Journal of Conflict… Continue Reading →

Understanding and Reducing Burnout in the Accounting Profession

“Boring, introverted, number-crunchers.” When asked to describe an accountant, many people might say similar things. While some accountants may fit the stereotypical idea of doing mind-numbing office work, they are essential to every business and necessary to the workforce. The… Continue Reading →

Management Communication Considering Human Behavior during the Covid-19 Pandemic

Blog explanation: As managers across the united states and the world transition to virtual work settings, challenges regarding proper implementation of organizational behavioral skills are forcing quick adaptation to maintain efficiency and effectiveness in the work environment. In light of… Continue Reading →

Organizational Communication Methods for Managing Virtual Accounting Teams During the COVID-19 Pandemic

With the unprecedented shift of the accounting field to an online workspace during the Covid-19 pandemic, managers must find ways to communicate and engage with team members to optimize workflow and ensure continued efficiency and productivity. Our blog will explore… Continue Reading →

Communication by Leaders in Times of Crisis

Strong communication by managers and leaders is critical for a company to navigate a crisis. Our blog focuses on strategies and methods managers can utilize to communicate effectively with employees and other internal members of the organization. Employees during crisis… Continue Reading →

Managing Surface-Level Diversity in the Workplace

  Now more than ever it is crucial to bring attention to the concept of managing surface-level diversity within the workplace. In light of the Black Lives Matter movement, we as a society are responsible for making change in all… Continue Reading →

COVID-19’s Effect on Women in the Tech Industry

Since the pandemic began, economies worldwide have taken massive hits. In the United States, we have seen businesses close, companies lay off their workers, and individuals clutch their money tighter. We posit that the pandemic affects certain groups of people… Continue Reading →

Avoiding Greenwashing: Managerial Decision-Making & Sustainability

The effects of Greenwashing and CSR practices internally amongst firms and their employee’s attitudes, behaviors, and practices that are impacted heavily by individual and group decision-making. This decision-making involves complex challenges, especially concerning the unique context of sustainable organizational behavior…. Continue Reading →

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