Organizational Behavior


Operations Management

Organizational Communication Methods for Managing Virtual Accounting Teams During the COVID-19 Pandemic

With the unprecedented shift of the accounting field to an online workspace during the Covid-19 pandemic, managers must find ways to communicate and engage with team members to optimize workflow and ensure continued efficiency and productivity. Our blog will explore… Continue Reading →

Employee Engagement During Trying Times

The purpose of our blog was to address how employee engagement has been affected by the impacts of COVID-19. To do this we discussed the specific ways employees have been negatively affected and proposed ways managers could address the issues… Continue Reading →

How Large Hospitals Manage Internal Staff During a Crisis

A deeper look into healthcare managers’ response in a time of crisis and what competencies managers should have while managing employees.   How the high demand of medical equipment is exposing the limitations and capabilities of global supply chains and hospital managers’ communication with supply chain managers.  Antonacopoulou, E. P., & Sheaffer, Z. (2013,… Continue Reading →

Artificial Intelligence Changes Decision Making

  In our article we will address the effects artificial intelligence has on decision making within a marketing context. Our research question is: “How does implementation of Artificial Intelligence change employee decision making in regards to marketing within an organization?”… Continue Reading →

Challenges COVID-19 Creates in Training Employees in the Business World

Our article discusses the challenges and benefits that have arisen due to the unprecedented remote working environment created by COVID-19. We will discuss the issues concerning productivity and effectiveness that come from training both new and existing employees remotely and… Continue Reading →

Quality of Employee Performance While Working from Home

This blog is about the transition to remote work resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic. The blog will express major concerns about remote work and what the future holds for the work-from-home operation. Bloom, N. (2014). To raise productivity, let more… Continue Reading →

Treat Employees like Assets, Not Liabilities

By: Andrew Harris, Sylas Linnemann, Muse Asefa, Gerardo Quiroz Nava, Tony Tareski Introduction: You have been working as a cashier for your local grocery store for a year now. You have no problems with your job, your coworkers are fine,… Continue Reading →

Digital Nomadic Culture and its Impacts on Organizational Structure and Job Satisfaction

Annotated Bibliography Bean, C.J, & Eisenberg, E.M. (2006). Employee sensemaking in the transition to nomadic work work. Journal of Organizational Change Management, 210 This article gave great insight into how times are changing and how people are starting to value… Continue Reading →

Treat Employees like Assets, Not Liabilities

Is there a leadership style that creates a successful retention? What ways are managers and leaders within the company creating disconnect and turnover? These are questions we plan to answer and understand. This matters now because with more advancements occurring… Continue Reading →

Creating a Work Environment That Encourages Employee Input

Camron Miller, Matthew Oldow, Matthew Ibershof, Zach Schwisow, and Neda Zakaraukaite Our blog will focus on the topic of creating a work environment that encourages employee input, while easier said than done a company’s culture is key to employee happiness… Continue Reading →

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