Here is another FoodWISE installment—Gigi reads FoodWISE—where I’ve just discussed the FoodWISE guidelines: W for Whole, I for Informed, S for Sustainable, and E for Experienced—and an interesting article I’d like to draw your attention to—one from The Seattle Times: Hog prices may be plummeting but egg prices are doubling (“Eggs are flying off the shelf,” according to one article in the LA Times (

Caught in between are the dairy farmers—my dairy friends say that in Whatcom County, they are still farming—for now—despite challenges in the supply change, and falling demand ( In these times of coronavirus, some are being hit hard—economically. What can we do to help? Eat. Vote with your dollars or with support from your community. We need to get more interested and invested in our supply chains now more than ever. Home-farming, yes (I’ve vlogged on this), but home-cooking, too. Maybe it’s not bacon that you’d choose for your nutritious fats. Local hazelnuts sound more like it?