Amelia Sanders, Amanda Wall, Ashleigh Slocomb, Cole Walters, and Michael Vrana

Camille, N. & Susan, S. (2015). The Convergence Mindset. American Marketing Association, 

May/June, 20-21. 

Camille & Susan in “The Convergence Mindset” emphasize the importance of insights & analytics as a whole. Joining the two workstreams will leverage an organization for the better and forge an excellent relationship between disciplines. Convergence applies a systematic & purposeful approach to tackling business situations only possible with marketing data as well. This source of information will be useful in writing our blog because it shows how to incorporate insights from an organization and its employees with the data it currently has & can acquire to emphasize more with the consumer & conduct successful business.

Paas, L. (2019). Marketing research education in the Big Data era. International Journal of

Market Research, 61, 233-235.

Leo Paas, the author of “Marketing research education in the Big Data era, brings up how the education of marketing managers should change to become more quantitatively oriented to help their decision to be based on analytical results. Paas also continues to give his thoughts on Big Data from an academic perspective with how it relates to the field of marketing. This is relevant to our topic because it addresses how marketing managers can misuse data by not having a strong conceptual understanding of quantitative technique and how to analyze them. This article falls short by coming from an academic perspective which does give many examples on in the workplace misuse and misunderstanding resulting in poor consequences. 

PARILTI, N., KÜLTER DEMİRGÜNEŞ, B., & ÖZSAÇMACI, B. (2014). Ethical Issues in Marketing: An Application for Understanding Ethical Decision Making. Marmara University Journal of Economic & Administrative Sciences, 36(2), 275–298. 

The authors of this article, “Ethical Issues in Marketing: An Application for Understanding Ethical Decision Making” aim to examine unethical marketing practices and their impacts. In this journal, the authors have compiled a large list of unethical business practices pulled from a variety of sources and organized it into areas such as marketing research and product management. They also explore some possible impacts that these unethical practices can have, both on the consumer and the business. The authors have then taken this information and use it to select ideal models of ethical marketing decision-making. This is important to our topic as it presents a number of real-world examples of unethical marketing practices as well as their impacts. We can also use this article to present a possible solution to these practices in the form of a model of ethical decision-making

Tadajewski, Mark & Jones, Brian D.G. (2012). Scientific marketing management and the emergence of the ethical marketing concept, Journal of Marketing Management, 28:1-2, 37-61

Tadajewski and Jones discuss in “Scientific Marketing Management and the Emergence of the Ethical Marketing Concept” the importance of the often-forgotten foundations of the marketing concept, which lies in the hands of managers. With the “pursuit of profit” in mind, managers must keep in mind the consumers are more than just profit-generators. In a similar thought, they discuss how managers’ attitudes affect all reform throughout the entire marketing system- from the workplace to consumer. This article is helpful in describing the ripple-effect that managers have on the entirety of the business, especially in the era we are currently in extreme data intrusion. 

Yamamoto, K., & Lloyd, R. A. (2019). The Role of Big Data and Digitization in Just-In-Time (JIT) Information Feeding and Marketing. American Journal of Management Vol. 19(2).

Yamamoto and Lloyd explore the transformation of marketing in their article “The Role of Big Data and Digitization in Just-In-Time (JIT) Information Feeding and Marketing” by observing the use of big data and digital marketing. Data and digital marketing have become a key point in most successful marketing strategies and innovations. The digital tools available to marketers allow for quick adaptations and a stronger understanding of consumers through the use of consumer data. This source will be useful and applicable while writing our blog because it provides examples and insight into how marketing is changing as a result of technology growth, digitalization, and data collection.