Purpose of the Research:  

The idea our team is focusing on addressing is social awareness in marketing campaigns. This is a very relevant issue in business and more specifically marketing. Every year thousands of organizations release new marketing campaigns to promote rebrands and their products. Every year without a doubt a few fail miserably and have negative effects on those organizations. This idea would relate back to organizational behavior because it affects an organization’s culture.  


1) Ni, B. (2007). Portrayals of Racial Diversity in American Prime-Time TV Commercials (Master’s thesis). Retrieved from https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/b0ef/310ba7c9712e77aaa4d905bad9abc3f2c80d.pdf  

This paper talks about prime-time TV commercials and the lack of diversity that these commercials have. It goes into talking about the roles different races are more likely to have in commercials and what type of commercial different races are more likely to star in. This article also talks about how people who are not white are less likely to be the main character of the commercial and more likely to be acting a side character part. These facts are important to our topic because we are focusing on a very similar topic, how diversity or a lack of it in marketing campaigns like commercials, can have very negative effects on companies. The stats brought up in this article back up what we already know, which is people of diverse backgrounds are underrepresented in the media. 




2) Thomas, D. A. (2006). Diversity as a Strategy. Retrieved from http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=  

David A. Thomas did in-depth research on using diversity as a strategy, it is well- written and thorough research in today’s modern topic. Published in 2006, it can’t be any more relevant in 2020. As there has been a rise in the modernization of subscription-based business models and cancel culture on the opposite spectrum, we need to see why all the events are happening and are correlated. It focuses on important pieces on how companies can effectively execute diversity in their company as an organization. Not just, as a slogan.  




3) Perkins, L. A., Thomas, K. M., & Taylor, G. A. (2000, February 9). Advertising and recruitment: Marketing to minorities. Retrieved from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/(SICI)1520-6793(200003)17:3<235::AID-MAR3>3.0.CO;2-# 

This article talks about how the different ethnicities in recruitment ad campaigns change the perception of that organization. This article speaks to the topic we discussed briefly in class about how potential applicants to a company want their values to match those of the company. However, this is more related to ethnicity and how potential applicants are either more or less likely to be attracted to a company based on whether or not they include diversity in their ads and the way they portray that diversity within the ads. This is important to our topic because it focuses on the way that companies use ethnicity in their ads to attract new employees, and if that is effective or not. Our topic focuses on a very similar topic, how the lack or abundance of ethnicity within marketing ads has a positive or a negative effect on that company. This ad seems to back what we have found so far; that the lack of diversity in marketing ads will more likely than not have a negative impact on the perception of that company.  




4) Dod, R., Dod, R., Dod, R., & Dod, R. (2019, August 9). Heres why the demand for diversity is driving digital marketing success. Retrieved from https://marketingland.com/heres-why-the-demand-for-diversity-is-driving-digital-marketing-success-265221  

This article is about how the demand for diversity marketing is becoming successful. Talks about how aiming products and campaigns towards unserved markets has created new revenue. They want to focus on different ways to make marketing more diverse. The article also addresses the mistakes that could derail digital marketing diversity. It is important to make marketing more diverse and how the product or campaign is presented.  




 5) Hassan, A., & Yazdanifard, R. (2019). Global Marketing Practices that Created Controversies and How They Could Possibly Be Avoided. Retrieved from https://www.academia.edu/41261713/Global_Marketing_Practices_that_Created_Controversies_and_How_They_Could_Possibly_Be_Avoided 

The article in this journal highlights a few of the biggest marketing campaigns and how they failed. The article mentions campaigns from big companies like Pepsi and Dove and analyzes how they ended up being controversial. The article highlights current event, political climate, and cultural awareness that the campaigns and companies did not take to account. This is an important support for our research appear because it identifies key things companies need to consider making cultural conscious marketing campaigns, also how these companies could have prevented the issues that occurred by simple research. 


Moe Zaharako, Morgan Wilke, Anujin Ganbat, Moize Ahmad, Naseeba Ahmed