Wise Management Decisions: Data Visualization

Our presentation analyzes the importance of clearly communicating data and its affects on management decisions. We explore how data visualization can improve and make decisions wiser.

Intezari, Ali, & Pauleen, David J. (2018). Conceptualizing Wise Management Decision-Making: A Grounded Theory Approach. Decision Sciences, 49(2), 335-400.


Annotation: The authors of “Conceptualizing Wise Management Decision-Making: A Grounded Theory Approach” from A Journal of the Decision Sciences Institute use data and interviews from 37 CEOs, top managers, and senior executives to further analyze and assess the quality of wise management decisions and what constitutes these decisions. It dives deep in the process of decision making and predict challenges that may arise and how to attack these problems.


Ulrike Stefanie Foerster-Metz ,Katrin Marquardt, Nina Golowko, Andreas Kompalla and Christian Hell , (2018), “Digital Transformation and its Implications on Organizational Behavior”, IBIMA Publishing , https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/798b/72e150bdba29066886841e80a7869ad8b89b.pdf

Sensible organizations: Technology and methodology for automatically measuring organizational behavior Cloud computing, advanced algorithms and artificial intelligence interconnected and have a big impact on how people change their way of acting inside and third-party organizations. Digitalization showed that it significantly changed the size of the workforce, the required skill set, and the way to interact and collaborate like and communicate in the organization not only by employees but also from the side of management. Here is a quick rundown of how each nascent technology affects the factor people in the organization. According to the analysis of the authors, it became the workforce of tomorrow will think and act interconnected and will it is necessary to focus on innovation and creativity to be able to cope with structural change technological development has brought along.


  • Higher performance surveillance
  • Loss of creativity due to higher and detailed process structure
  • Higher amount of performance-based remuneration IMPACT ON LEADERSHIP
  • Optimization of processes
  • Increased evaluation of employees, frees up management from their surveillance role as analytics start to take over the decision
  • Dependency of providers due to lack of programming knowledge



Snow, R. and Snow, M. (2007), “Ethics in the information exploitation and manipulation age”, Campus-Wide Information Systems, Vol. 24 No. 3, pp. 207-216. https://doi-org.ezproxy.library.wwu.edu/10.1108/10650740710762248


The authors, Richard and Mary Snow, write on the dangers and ethics of using Geographic information systems, also known as GIS. These dangers include misinformation, misreading, manipulation, inaccuracies, and more. A GIS can take raw data and make it into a digestible, more legible way to communicate to the general public, but the authors warn on improper adherence to scientific methods and designers making disillusions. The source talks on the many ways and stages in which errors can occur and how these errors impact the final result, and reflects largely on the ethics of developing a tool of this magnitude. GIS are used for many things in management, and as it is such a new field, the ethics and legality are undefined. The ethics of this new and powerful source are extremely important when trying to make wise decisions, and the exemplification of errors and how these errors impact perceptions and digestion of data is a clear reflection to how data impacts decision making.


Tay, L., Ng, V., Malik, A., Zhang, J., Ebert, D. S., Ding, Y., … Kern, M. (2017). Big Data Visualizations in Organizational Science. Organizational Research Methods, I-29. https://doi.org/10.1177/1094428II7720014


In the field’s organizational science and business, visualizations in organizational research can be used not only as traditional survey data, but also to isolate and study specific groups and areas. For example, big and small data visualizations have been used to identify specific traits and characteristics among PHD students at business schools as well as how well they can collaborate or communicate with each other. By combining big data and small data, we can also see more detailed information related to management and organizational business. This can also allow companies and groups to monitor and tweak their management and organizational structures to better suit the people within those structures.


Jeanne Moore, ( 2017) , Data Visualization in Support of Executive Decision Making , Interdisciplinary Journal of Information, Knowledge, and Management. http://www.ijikm.org/Volume12/IJIKMv12p125-138Moore2889.pdf

Data visualization should not only determine the best solution but also help executive body to determine the steps to be taken to achieve the goal of the decision.
Leaders value the knowledge and skills of their peers and prefer an open approach to decision making, provided that each inclusion benefits the organization as a whole. Benchmark statistics from similar industries also increase the consumption ratio. Speed was defined only in terms of data visualization design, including using contrasting elements such as color to highlight anomalies and areas of interest at a faster rate. In addition, tolerance limits can also help supervisor in determining where thresholds have been exceeded or where areas of insufficient performance occurred by focusing on problem areas within the organization. Finally, confidence is not only about depends on the data visualization itself, but also depends on the decision makers’ knowledge and the factors influencing the decision, the data visualization presenter’s ability to understand, guide, and add value to the decision-making process, the accuracy and integrity of the data presented, familiarity with the technology used to represent data visualization and the ability of data a visualization that enables exploratory and collaborative decision-making.

Theory and Technology in Organizational Psychology: A Review of Technology Integration Paradigms and Their Effects on the Validity of Theory

Richard N. Landers and Sebastian Marin

Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior 2021 8:1, 235-258

The authors of this article from the Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior journal explain the paradigms of technology development in business contexts and how it affects organizational behavior. They analyze how we can make a smoother shift to technology and its advancements and how we can use it to integrate and improve five key domains such as: training, team dynamics, leadership, etc.

Abubakar Mohammed Abubakar, Hamzah Elrehail Maher Ahmad Alatailat, Alev Elçi, (2017), Journal of Innovation & Knowledge. (https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2444569X17300562)


The nature of knowledge creation processes in management decision-making requires practitioners and professionals to balance the collection, processing, and use of knowledge. The balance often due to the need to make knowledge-based decisions in a brief period, which requires a lot of thought and thought. On the other hand, organizational effectiveness is related to the measurable achievement of the organization’s objectives, which may require knowledge management at its best. While specific procedures or conditions may be necessary for knowledge management and the effectiveness of an organization, there are no particular rules for processes or how these procedures are developed. Thus, we argue that an intuitive decision-making style that allows decision-makers to combine existing knowledge with their intuition can change the impact of the knowledge creation process on organizational performance. Based on the above arguments, we propose the following proposal.

Mia Sheppard, Corey Hassell, Siddharth Sama, Elena Kargopoltsev, Nikita Sotnikov