Our presentation will focus on the Costco Corporation relating to the organizations management and performance challenges they encountered during the COVID-19 pandemic. Our team will present information about these issues around management and performance related challenges while also providing possible solutions towards improving the Costco Corporation during the COVID-19 pandemic.


Butterick, Mark, Charlwood, Andy (2021). HRM and the COVID-19 pandemic: How can we stop making a bad situation worse? Human Resource Management Journal,1, 10.  https://doi.org/10.1111/1748-8583.12344


The authors of this article, Mark Butterick and Andy Charlwood, focus on the impact COVID-19 has had on the labor force and how human resource management techniques can be used to alleviate some of the issues that have been created within companies. The advice given hinges upon separating one’s labor force into four quadrants of human capital based on the value and uniqueness of their jobs, then giving each group a customized treatment. This is a good resource because Costco is a large and complex organization that requires the work of people in many different positions to run properly, so it had to respond correctly to COVID-19 or face real hardship. Not only does this article analyze the management challenges presented by the pandemic from a human resource perspective but it provides possible solutions to them, which makes it very applicable to our project.


Hamouche, S. (2021). Human resource management and the COVID-19 crisis: implications, challenges, opportunities, and future organizational directions. Journal of Management & Organization, 1–31. https://doi.org/10.1017/jmo.2021.15

The author at Canadian University Dubai, UAE Salima Hamouche wrote this paper to acknowledge the lack of academic papers and studies on HRM.  The author discusses the challenges HRM faces during the COVID-19 pandemic and identifies other academic works that relate to this subject.  Dr. Hamouche writes about safety and health management, performance management, working conditions, and a few other important topics of interest to human resource managers.  The reason this paper was selected is because the author works to collect and analyze the few pieces of quality academic research on a subject that aligns directly with my team’s research statement. Dr. Hamouche breaks her paper down into categories based on HR challenges and issues that provides organized and informative research creating an excellent primary source for our paper.

He, Wei, Hu, Jia, Zhou, Kong (2020). The mind, the heart, and the leader in times of crisis: How and when COVID-19-triggered mortality salience relates to state anxiety, job engagement, and prosocial behavior. Journal of Applied Psychology, 105(11) 1218-1233. https://psycnet.apa.org/record/2020-75403-001

The authors of this paper He, Wei, Hu, Jia, Zhou, and Kong went in depth on how and when COVID-19 created a difficult environment for the workplace as well as the global community. They explain how COVID-19 triggered anxiety and their responses from in and out of the workplace. They conducted studies using employees at an information technology center to determine if COVID-19 triggered mortality salience, job engagement, and prosocial behaviour. This is a good source because it relates to how managers have to deal with the stress of not only a large company such as Costco but also the stress of their employees. Through their research we can get a greater understanding of how stress levels impact the manager performance levels of such a large company like Costco.


Kniffin, K. M., Narayanan, J., Anseel, F., Antonakis, J., Ashford, S. P., Bakker, A. B., … & Vugt, M. V. (2021). COVID-19 and the workplace: Implications, issues, and insights for future research and action. American Psychologist, 76(1), 63. https://psycnet.apa.org/fulltext/2020-58612-001.html

The article COVID-19 and the Workplace by author Kniffin k and several other authors focuses on the impacts, disruption, and changes that COVID-19 has caused for employees and organization practices during the pandemic. The authors of this article acknowledge the impacts that COVID-19 may have caused to the norms of the organizational structures and employees’ performance; by observing human behavior within the work environment during these times. Through this article we will be focusing on the emergent changes for workers which was described as social distancing, employee well-being, and individual differences. This article overviews and provides us with information that will help us consider the impacts that COVID-19 has caused for employees and organizations, while also informing us with information from prior research that may provide possible insights and or solutions for managing these problems.

Mujtaba, B. G., Mesa, N. F., McGee, S., Mears, S. O., & Moncada, F. S. (2020).             Distinctive HR Policies and Practices to Create a Workplace “Where Working Is a             Pleasure” amid the Covid-19 Pandemic: The Organizational Culture of Publix          Super Markets, Inc. International Journal of Human Resource Studies, 10(4),             125–148. https://doi.org/10.5296/ijhrs.v10i4.17888

The authors of this paper examined the Human Resource Management practices of Publix Super Markets, Inc. in relation to the COVID-19 crisis and wrote a comprehensive study on the different styles of organization and tools of management this company implements.  This ranges from hiring and compensation practices, to taking on the challenges that COVID-19 presented the grocery industry.  The first reason we chose this paper to serve as one of our primary sources has to do with the company in question.  Our project will focus on grocery stores management practices throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, so this serves as a good source considering it is industry relevant.  We also wanted to use Publix as an example in our project because this firm is well regarded as having a successful HRM department with high employee retention even though the COVID-19 pandemic where competitors saw difficulty retaining employees.


Management 311: Team 1

Sam Hanson

Charles Fitzgerald

Cameron Bellusci

Jaycob Brophy

Komal Gill