Tag Diversity/Equity/Inclusion

Destigmatizing Parental Leave to Improve Career Outcomes

This video is about destigmatization of parental leave to improve career outcomes. It focuses on maternal and paternal leave and different career outcomes within an organization and how organization behavior affects these outcomes.

An Organizational Behavior and Management Perspective on Parental Leave

An Organizational Behavior and Management Perspective on Parental Leave  Key Words  Parental leave   Paternity leave   Maternity leave   Discrimination  Employer Benefit Outcomes  Team Boeing will be completing a project that will explore organizational behavior and management on parental leave. People taking… Continue Reading →

Surface Level and Deep Level Diversity and Their Effects on Team Performance

The purpose of this project is to illustrate the positive and negative effects diversity can have within an organization. More specifically, we want to show why the negative effects are present and how to overcome those to achieve the true… Continue Reading →

Employee Motivation While Working in Retail

Team: Emma Rose DeSantis, Erik Mueller, Jacob Mabaquiao, BJ Kolly The purpose of our research is to discover how employees stay motivated and lose motivation, while working in retail due to the challenges they face in the workplace. We want… Continue Reading →

Administrators Empowering Educators to Promote Equitable Online Learning

Many students with disabilities, unforeseen illness, or family emergencies often have to miss out on important learning time in the classroom. This causes them to fall behind and hinders their ability to succeed in comparison to their peers, creating an… Continue Reading →

Diversity Faultlines and Their Impact on Intergroup Conflict

Diversity Faultlines and Their Impact on Intergroup Conflict By Jake Wider, Kevin Siow, Gracy Ahuja, Aidan Hert, and Nick Navarro   Acar, F. P. (2010). Analyzing the effects of diversity perceptions and shared leadership on emotional conflict: a dynamic approach…. Continue Reading →

Gender Inequality at an International Scale in Business

This presentation describes the struggles that women face in the workforce locally and globally.

The Causes of Gender Inequality in the tech Field and Ways to Promote Women in Tech

Historically there has been an extreme amount of gender discrimination in the tech feild, making it difficult for women to have a equal opportunity. Our goal is to identify how to achieve gender equality in the tech field as well… Continue Reading →

Why is DEI Important to the Field of Marketing?

In this presentation, we discuss the major problems that occur with a lack of DEI in marketing teams, the benefits of having DEI in marketing teams, and how organizations can implement DEI into their marketing teams.   

Motivation in the Tech Sector and WFH

Companies may want to examine who should and should not stay at home based on the above factors. Companies can examine the quantity/quality of work done from home against work done in the office to make a decision. Effectively utilizing… Continue Reading →

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