Tag employee well-being

How Managerial Behavior and Techniques can Promote Unethical Behavior

In this presentation we will review the specific characteristics in poor managers that lead to stress in the workplace. We will explain how this level of stress on employees can lead them to partake in unethical behavior.

The Ever-Present Problem of Presenteeism

This presentation examines the phenomenon of presenteeism in detail by exploring research and its challenges to date, the scope of the problem, COVID-19 and economic crises contexts for the problem, and empirical understandings of harms and potential solutions for the… Continue Reading →

Business and Sustainability Group Presentation

Organizational sustainability is becoming increasingly necessary, and non-managerial employees are one of the biggest–if not the biggest–stakeholder regarding the success of sustainable practices in the workplace. Our presentation covers practices and methods that can be integrated to enhance both employee… Continue Reading →

How Diversity Affects Job Satisfaction

This presentation looks at how multiple types of diversity affect job satisfaction among employees. It discusses roadblocks as to why the workplace may not be very diverse, why diversity is important, and solutions to increase diversity and job satisfaction in… Continue Reading →

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