Organizational Behavior


Manufacturing and Supply Chain Management

Surface Level and Deep Level Diversity and Their Effects on Team Performance

The purpose of this project is to illustrate the positive and negative effects diversity can have within an organization. More specifically, we want to show why the negative effects are present and how to overcome those to achieve the true… Continue Reading →

Managerial Values And Employee Engagement

Nearly two years of adapting to remote work has led to dwindling employee engagement. Work was once an opportunity to feel connected to peers and the work that we accomplished together. Separation from the physical workspace has weakened the sense… Continue Reading →

Communication Gaps Between Millennials And Gen-Z Employees

Bridging communication gaps between Millennials and Gen-Z employees in the workplace. This video presents the major differences in communication styles of Millennials and Gen-Z employees that managers need to be aware of. Our group also provides some suggestions that can… Continue Reading →

Management Performance Challenges Costco Encountered During The COVID-19 Pandemic

Our presentation will focus on the Costco Corporation relating to the organizations management and performance challenges they encountered during the COVID-19 pandemic. Our team will present information about these issues around management and performance related challenges while also providing possible… Continue Reading →


In this presentation we plan to discuss the impact of automation on workers emotions and work ethic. As new technology is evolving, the automation of jobs has become more beneficial and profitable than ever.   OB related Van Looy, A…. Continue Reading →

Managerial Challenges with Employee Engagement in a Virtual Environment

Prior to COVID-19, 17% of people in the United States reported that they work from home five or more days a week. However, after COVID-19, that percentage increased to 44% of people working from home for five or more days a week (Statista, 2021). This drastic change has revolutionized the work environment and has presented new… Continue Reading →

How Managers can Maintain Employee Motivation during the pandemic in the Restaurant Industry

Kelsey Johnke Aaron Brennan Johanna Anstensen Riley Fredricks Jobandeep Dhillon How Managers can Maintain Employee Motivation during the pandemic in the Restaurant Industry It’s not hard to see that this year has been one of the most challenging times that… Continue Reading →

How Large Hospitals Manage Internal Staff During a Crisis

A deeper look into healthcare managers’ response in a time of crisis and what competencies managers should have while managing employees.   How the high demand of medical equipment is exposing the limitations and capabilities of global supply chains and hospital managers’ communication with supply chain managers.  Antonacopoulou, E. P., & Sheaffer, Z. (2013,… Continue Reading →

Artificial Intelligence Changes Decision Making

  In our article we will address the effects artificial intelligence has on decision making within a marketing context. Our research question is: “How does implementation of Artificial Intelligence change employee decision making in regards to marketing within an organization?”… Continue Reading →

Treat Employees like Assets, Not Liabilities

By: Andrew Harris, Sylas Linnemann, Muse Asefa, Gerardo Quiroz Nava, Tony Tareski Introduction: You have been working as a cashier for your local grocery store for a year now. You have no problems with your job, your coworkers are fine,… Continue Reading →

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