Tag Spring 2020

Leading From Afar: Working Remotely

Can working from home be as productive as working face to face? Can leaders actually make a true connection with their employees online? Today many leaders are finding it necessary to ask themselves these questions because working from home opens… Continue Reading →

Leadership Through COVID-19

Leadership Through COVID-19 Managers need to be strong leaders during both financially stable and unstable periods of time, while accommodating for all kinds of demographics.  Although COVID-19 has created a state of financial uncertainty for everyone, managers are able to… Continue Reading →

Communication and COVID-19

Our blog focuses on the importance of communication between managers/supervisors and employees in finance and accounting industries, and how it has been affected by COVID-19.   PricewaterhouseCoopers. (n.d.). COVID-19 and the banking and capital markets industry. Retrieved April 22, 2020, from https://www.pwc.com/us/en/library/covid-19/coronavirus-banking-and-capital-markets.html  Price Waterhouse… Continue Reading →

Traversing the Job Market During a Pandemic with the Necessary Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities

Since the outbreak of the coronavirus across the world, there has been the formation of a new technology-based job market that has to be navigated by all. Our blog will focus on the new skills, knowledge, and abilities needed to continue business in this… Continue Reading →

Motivation Management: Employee Motivation in the Midst of Crises

In the turbulent economic waters caused by COVID-19, businesses struggle to stay afloat. Over seven million small businesses are on the verge of foreclosing, leaving essential employees stressed over losing their source of income. (Powe, M. & Wagner, M., 2020)…. Continue Reading →

The Roaring 2020’s

Going forward in writing our blog, we will be making connections between employee reliability and managerial ethics and how liquor corporations and in store businesses are applying these to their companies and business models in order to survive financially in… Continue Reading →

Motivation Management: Employee Motivation in the Midst of Crises

The purpose of our blog is to investigate how management practices influence the performance and motivation of essential workers, particularly during widespread crises such as the COVID-19 pandemic. Our analysis of why workers struggle to remain motivated during crises and… Continue Reading →

Marketing Communications During COVID-19

Marketing Communications During COVID-19 This article is about how marketing managers are keeping communications with their employees during the COVID-19 pandemic by using technology and the internet to keep lines of communication open during this crisis. Everyone is affected by… Continue Reading →

Staying Engaged While Working From Home; Reasonable expectations of management and employee interaction during Covid-19

Staying Engaged While Working From Home; Reasonable expectations of management and employee interaction during Covid-19   Our Blog will research and analyze to what extent corporations are responsible for how employees stay engaged with work during non-work problems that may… Continue Reading →

How Large Hospitals Manage Internal Staff During a Crisis

A deeper look into healthcare managers’ response in a time of crisis and what competencies managers should have while managing employees.   How the high demand of medical equipment is exposing the limitations and capabilities of global supply chains and hospital managers’ communication with supply chain managers.  Antonacopoulou, E. P., & Sheaffer, Z. (2013,… Continue Reading →

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