Tag Winter 2022

How Work From Home Alters Employee Engagement and Work Outcomes

This presentation encompasses the effect of permanent WFH measures that some companies have started to implement in response to allowing further flexibility for employees. Here we engage with the concepts of gender, personality, and technology familiarity.

Creating a Sustainable Culture Within Multinational Supply Chains

Our group presentation is about creating a sustainable culture within multinational supply chains. We cover the importance of implementing a sustainable and ethical culture within multinational supply chains and what that looks like for different employees. Our project also takes a look… Continue Reading →

VTO’s effects on engagement in the workplace

Implementing Organizational KSA to Improve Employee Workplace Environments

The purpose of this presentation is to expand the importance of KSAs (Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities) and how it plays a key role in enhancing employees’ performance. We will be looking at the potential aspects KSAs have to generate successful… Continue Reading →

Communication Skills Necessary for Decision-Making within a Financial Organization

We chose to research effective communication within the decision-making process, specifically within a financial organization/financial setting. We identified three skills that are necessary to accomplish effective interpersonal communication.   

Significance of Indigenous Perspectives on a Corporate Sustainability Team

This presentation seeks to awareness of the inequitable representation of Indigenous voices in the realm of corporate sustainability. We then cover some of the challenges Indigenous people face in the field and offer some insights into how a sustainable organization… Continue Reading →

How Technology-Assisted Leadership Has Changed During COVID-19. 

Our team looked at how COVID-19 impacted leadership styles and employee needs. While research is limited, we hope that this presentation will provide information for leaders to be mindful of as we continue moving forward in a virtual workforce.

Gender Inequality at an International Scale in Business

This presentation describes the struggles that women face in the workforce locally and globally.

The Causes of Gender Inequality in the tech Field and Ways to Promote Women in Tech

Historically there has been an extreme amount of gender discrimination in the tech feild, making it difficult for women to have a equal opportunity. Our goal is to identify how to achieve gender equality in the tech field as well… Continue Reading →

How Top-Down Communication changed during the Covid- 19 pandemic and how to improve for future issues during a crisis

      In this presentation, we discuss the challenges of top-down communication that the Covid pandemic has brought on. The Global Impact of the covid 19 pandemic has left many employees and employers without answers to what their futures… Continue Reading →

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