Gigi Berardi reads from FoodWISE Desperate millions in lockdown says The Guardian. But, even more informative is this blog by Nalin Mehta, Fighting COVID through progressive change. States with progressive governments in India, such as in Kerala, are digging deep into their cultural roots and diversity to supplement incomes and food provisions on a scale not seen since the great famines of over 50 years ago. Kerala respects cultures—although challenges exist in equity and recognition for certain castes, classes, and religions. Now is the time, Indian writers argue, to put such differences aside.
and shares about her cultural upbringing. She emphasizes that although many of her references are to the Pacific Northwest, her FoodWISE thinking has been developed by living elsewhere. Exposure to other cultures—including Kerala and Varanasi, India—informs all that she does. The huge numbers of vulnerable people in India, at this moment, have never been greater. As here: