Journal Entry #4

This past week went great for me, not only in our E&I class but as well as my other classes. I had two mid terms to study for that I am glad are over and could relax a little this weekend. It has been awesome being able to work with my VP2 group this week. We are currently working on our interviews and sending the survey out. Our idea seems pretty good, but based on survey data I think we may need to change it up a little bit this week. Other than that school is going very well and I am excited to see what we do this week in E&I!

2 thoughts on “Journal Entry #4

  1. I’m so glad that you feel like things are going well, and that you got a chance to relax! It’s also really awesome that you’re able to acknowledge that you may need to change some things with your venture based off your evidence, sometimes that’s really hard to recognize especially when you like your idea already!

  2. Sounds like you’re cruising on your VP2! Good to hear your other class midterms went well, they’re creeping up on me currently. if you need anyone to interview, feel free to reach out. Good to check in, I look forward to hearing from you next week.

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