Journal Entry #7

Reflect on the the IDI workshop from Monday:

  • My results did not really surprise me, it made me feel reassured I guess. It also just made me feel good about myself, over I thought it was very beneficial.

Reflect on your experience at the E4 Shift N Share presentations:

  • I had never done mind mapping before that class, I am not sure about using it as a note taking form, but I found it interesting! I learn best visually for sure, always have been, it is easier for me to get hands on and look at things. I have a pretty strict time management method, I just keep everything in my notes and make sure I get done what I need to do every day. I have never felt imposter syndrome.

    Outside of E&I this week
  • This week was a lot of fun and also very busy, I went out with my girlfriend on Valentines day and then just a lot of work for my NFT project and school.

Change Leadership E5 “Flourish!”

This quarter, as an E5, I was tasked to reflect on my process in the class, and how I have grown. This project really put things into perspective for me to see what I have completed, and what I am yet to complete. Here is my submission document!

Journal Entry #6

  • BMC
    • Reflecting on the BMC workshop, evaluate your journey.
      • I found it valuable. The workshop made me realize the importance of evaluating every aspect of my customer FIRST before doing anything else with a new venture. The customer makes the business.
    • what surprised you? How has it changed after the workshop? Where would you like to grow? How did the process go for you?
      • I was not too surprised, I was just interested. I never really knew the exact order of importance for the VPC, so it was a good learning experience.
  • Arathi
    • What was your biggest takeaway?
      • Finding something you are truly passionate about and or get joy from. It is also okay to put yourself out there even if you fail.
    • What is coaching to you?
      • Helping someone out by giving them knowledge within a certain field, that will allow the student to succeed.
    • How has coaching worked for you in the program? Has it worked for you? If it hasn’t what would you love to see? What could it look like?
      • I do not think I have received too much coaching in the program. I do think I have gotten a lot of great feedback, and heard others opinions on certain aspects of a project that maybe I had not thought of before.

Outside of E&I this week

  • Adam and I were lucky enough to go down to Seattle this weekend and participate in the annual Solana world tour, they had a 5 day long event in Seattle, we passed out over 300 designed QR codes for our project and got to demo our game at the main venue. You can watch the demo here.

Journal Entry #5

Reflect on Jonathan Bremer’s presentation about Komodo Boat covers?

  • I thought it was very cool to see someone branch off their career path to pursue their own venture. He is a very talented entrepreneur and it takes a lot of courage to give up your current job to pursue something with no guarantees.

Think back to Jonathan’s thoughts about the difference between a small business owner.

  • Small business owners have a lot more to manage. The weight of the business is typically on 1 to 2 people, high risk and high stress.

As you may have noticed, the Value Proposition Canvas (VPC) is a very important piece in distilling interview data into something digestible and clear.

  • The VPC is very helpful for me, it allows me to pin point exactly what I am offering and what my job is. Allows you to focus on what is most important in your venture. I do think after sometime the VPC does not serve a big purpose. Mostly used while brainstorming about a venture or trying to narrow down an idea.