Honey Consulting VP2

This quarter my group and I were tasked with doing a consulting project. We were very fortunate to be able to work with Honey salon. We started meeting with them and then located a few problems. After that we began research and data collection, then delivered some solutions to honey salon and wrapped it up! If you want to look more further into our project check out the google drive link below!


Journal entry #9

This quarter went great I thought. Coming into this quarter I knew a lot more about the program then I did in the fall. This time around I already knew the basics and focused more on refining and mastering these skills. I hope by next quarter I fully understand it even better. One thing I think I really improved on this quarter would be my team based work. I realized last quarter that is a key component to success in this class, so this time around I really focused on creating a streamline team dynamic. One thing I wish went differently? Probably just going about my VP2 at the start. I had never seen a consulting project before, I had the basic idea, but when it came down to it I did not think I knew enough in order to obtain an A on the project. I had to do some of my own investigating, but I was able to figure out through the help of others what needed to be done. Other than that it has been a great quarter and I am ready for the spring!