Journal Entry #6

  1. How did the Evidence Pitch Day go for you? In what areas do you need to amplify the evidence in your Venture? 
  • It went well, I do not need to amplify much evidence gathering. The evidence stage feels a bit useless for me right now. We already have plans in place and Adam is working on a new software, just working right now, not collecting evidence.
  1. What do you know about your customer for your project?
  • They trade NFTs and they like to earn cryptocurrency.
  1. What has your evidence process looked like through out the quarter?
  • Not much, just some surveys and interviews. Like I said, the evidence gathering this quarter does not really make sense for the current state of our project.
  1. It is week six of the quarter! How is it going? How are you hanging in there?
  • I feel good, excited to be done with school!

Outside of E&I this week.

  • I had zoom calls with Katie and Morgan to work on our change leadership. Other than that I had a lot of school work and Pixie work.

Journal Entry #3

Reflecting on your pitch and wrapping up Venture Project One, how did it go?

  • VP1 overall went great for our group. We landed on an idea really quickly, which allowed us to get going on everything else that we needed within the google drive. Our team worked fantastically, we got honest evidence to support our claim, and we found a real opportunity to make transportation more accessible. We also won the pitch off! I am very happy with our project and how the team performed

What have you learned about yourself? From this learning, what will you carry forward into Venture Project Two?

  • Going into my final VP1 I was not expecting to learn too much new info. One thing that really stood out to me this quarter is my speaking and pitching ability. I was not a good public speaker at all when I started this program, but after doing this recent pitch, going back and watching the recording, I am very pleased with my ability to pitch and am excitied to see what I can do with that ability in the future. From this I will carry my confidence with pitching into my final VP2 pitch, and hopefully deliver an amazing pitch.

Outside of E&I this week.

  • I spent a lot of time this week working on the Pixies, which is my NFT project for VP2. We are making awesome progress, and this week we got our biggest partner yet which will really help us a lot. Other than that I had a fun weekend, and just had a good Easter brunch with my girlfriend.

Journal Entry #2

This first week is going great, not too much to reflect on. Its my final quarter and I have done this same week many times before.

Hows it going with…

With my team it is going great! I am working with some awesome higher up E-levels and our two E1s are eager to learn, Its fun for me to get to teach some of this material that I feel I have mastered in a way.

With evidence based entrepreneurship, I would say its going okay. We are getting a lot of conflicting data. Some of it supports our idea, and some does not. It is a bit in the middle on how people stand with our solution to transportation accessibility in Bellingham.

With discovering a new accessibility opportunity, I think we have discovered a great opportunity. Our idea is to bring an electric scooter service to Bellingham that is free for WWU students. We believe this will serve a fun/accessible means to getting around campus/downtown for students. Especially ones that live on campus and may not have a car.

I do not think I need any support this quarter.

Outside of E&I this week, I went to Vancouver BC with my girlfriend over the weekend which was a lot of fun. I also ordered something called a “one wheel” back in December and it finally showed up today, so I am super excited to get outside and ride it around!

Journal Entry #8

What are you super proud of in your venture project right now?

  • I am really proud of myself for being able to create a large community of people who is interested in what our project has to offer.

What blocks or challenges are you experiencing with your venture project? (interviews, canvases, secondary research, or prototypes)

  • Nothing related to E&I. I have faced more blocks in my growth, such as not being able to get the deals I want. We are starting to get more popular which has really helped me overcome my struggles of reaching deals with other projects.

Regarding Wednesday’s class, what category are you struggling with the most within your venture project? What traction did you make or not make during the mini pitches? 

  • I don’t think I am really struggling. Its hard work, but I have been managing and succeeding along the way.

What resources could you reach for on the website or other platforms to help you solve any problems you are experiencing. 

  • None, sorry 🙂

Describe your plan of action for the next week.

  • Build a nice pitch deck and get my pitch down for pitch day!

Outside of E&I this week

  • Besides going out on Friday night I spent my free time on the Time Pixies.

Journal Entry #8

In order to exceed standards this quarter; my group and I will go above and beyond on our VP2 project. This matters to me because I value the lessons in this class and I want to be the best entrepreneur I can be. I don’t think anything stands out to me in the rubric, just have to get everything done. Between now and pitches, my group and I need more traction on our pitch deck. We are trying to put it together before rehearsals tomorrow and have not really started it. Should not be a problem though after we meet today.

VP1, Menchies rebrand

I think my team and I did a great job on this VP1! It was my second time doing the VP1 so I had a better understanding. Our great E6 was able to give tons of awesome advice to our new E1s. We wanted to make this first experience as easy going as possible for our E1s while also laying everything out for them to get a grasp on what the minor is all about. We had great traction on the project and even made a very swift pivot at the start. We did a rebrand on Menchies frozen yogurt because we had some inside info from Megan. Megan worked there previously and that is how we learned they were due for a rebrand!

Final Entry

How did this quarter go for you? What did you love? What do you wish would have gone differently?

This quarter was very eye opening to me. I was able to get a much better understand about what the minor is all about! I am super glad I decided to take this minor because so far just this first quarter has been awesome, and I am learning very helpful skill sets to be the entrepreneur I want to be. Not sure what I would do differently. Somethings confused me at first, but I have a feeling next quarter will go much smoother.

Meg asked me to review over all the videos and write about something that stuck out to me(because I messed up my journals a little bit this quarter on accident).

After watching over all the videos, the one that really stood out to me the most was the feedback section. I have never really thought of the importance of feedback until this class. After watching the feedback video I have realized it can be super helpful to give good, detailed constructive feedback. This allows each group to make the adjustments they need to succeed, because everyone understands the importance of the feedback, so they want it to be as helpful as possible.

Journal Entry #10

Last week went great. I do not have too much to say though because we only had one class. The one class was pitch day and I thought it went great! My group and I were ready and made sure to get it done in under 5 minutes!

Journal Entry #9

This past week went great, our group did a really good job making sure everything was in check for our VP2 pitch. It felt kind of weird completing my first VP2 because it is a very new concept to my group and I, but we also want to get a good grade on it. I am doing this entry a bit late, so my group and I actually pitched yesterday. I think it went really good.

Journal Entry #8

This past week was a bit stressful with exams, VP2, and change leadership. I feel much more relieved now. My group and I are just about done with VP2, I thought my change leadership went great which I am very happy about. That is about it, class has been going good, not much else to say.