Journal Entry #9

  1. How was the pitching experience for you this week?
  • Bit of a bummer. Very unfortunate that we could not all pitch in the big room with the coaches, I didn’t really get much of an experience out of my E6 pitch.
  1. What resonated with you from pitch day?
  • The event team put a lot of effort into their event, glad to see them do good. Karl and Kaelyn had a creative pitch. Oliver and Brian are doing a great job with Echo. Samuel and Maddie both did great with their respective E3 prompt.
  1. What did you think of the E&I event this week? Were you able to network and connect with others at the event? Why or why not?
  • I was not able to attend.
  1. How are you feeling coming near the end of VP2? What are there areas that you are in need of support?
  • I am feeling good, just wrapping everything up to graduate.

Outside of E&I this week

  • I have a lot of big assignments due in all of my classes. I spent most of the week working on getting everything done early.

6 thoughts on “Journal Entry #9

  1. Hey John,
    It was a bummer that we didn’t all get to pitch in the same room with the coaches. I know I was really excited to see what the E1s had been working on all quarter. Good job on working ahead, you’re so close to the end! I wish you good luck and a strong finish!

  2. I like that you were bummed that you didn’t get to pitch top the coaches, I was scared of them lol. I liked our little group and your pitch actually made a lot of sense to me, which is cool because I have the attention span of an electrical socket. Thank you for saying our pitch was creative:)

  3. Hey John! What is it that you were hoping to get from your final pitch? Good luck finishing up on the rest of your finals!

  4. Hey John,
    Sorry to hear about pitch. I sort of liked that it felt less serious tbh. But I understand wanting a bigger audience to see your final FINAL product of the class for sure. Congrats on graduation!

  5. Yo John,
    Sorry to hear that the pitch wasn’t what you hoped it would be… I was very surprised when they separated the E levels pitch day. It strips a layer of the experience for sure. From the pre-pitches I was able to see, you guys seriously killed your project. Be proud dude. Excited to see what the future holds for you two.

  6. Hi John,

    I agree it would’ve been nice to see all of the pitches and maybe we should split pitch day between 2 days so there’s enough time to watch everyone.

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