Kombucha Creations E4 Venture

Hello! My name is John McCullugh and as an E4, I was tasked this quarter to create my own venture that I will carry through my E5 and E6 quarter. After some ideation I came to the conclusion I would brew my own kombucha. Kombucha creations is a Bellingham local company founded by myself, my strategic approach to this venture is to deliver a great tasting kombucha that meets store quality standards for a bargain price. The operations of Kombucha creations will be handled by Kombucha town here in Bellingham, sales and marketing will be handled by myself.

Here is a link to my google drive if you would like to see my work done this quarter! https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/19LigLTSj9J0qtOybUlKMRmENP-TWHvAy?usp=sharing

Neko Cat Cafe Event VP2

This quarter my group and I planned a networking event! We got the idea to have a class hangout at the Neko Cat Cafe in Bellingham, in order for our class to get to know each other a little better! Check out our process throughout the quarter in the google drive below! Thanks!


Honey Consulting VP2

This quarter my group and I were tasked with doing a consulting project. We were very fortunate to be able to work with Honey salon. We started meeting with them and then located a few problems. After that we began research and data collection, then delivered some solutions to honey salon and wrapped it up! If you want to look more further into our project check out the google drive link below!


Venture Project 2: UniLink

After a long quarter my group and I are proud and relieved to finally complete our VP2 project. It was all our first times on the VP2 project and it went great. We helped each other whenever it was needed and for the most part worked very efficiently. We first located a common problem many people are experiencing right now during the pandemic, which is meeting new people and making friends. Especially at college it can be a bummer with this pandemic and not being able to get the full college experience. Thats how we came up with our venture UniLink, an app for others to socialize and connect virtually and in person. The app acts as a basic social media with a home feed, profile page, notifications, explore page, and direct messaging. The main section for the app is the events. We post events for students to sign up for virtually and in person, they can pick. This allows new students who are struggling to make friends meet others and connect. Below is the link to our google drive with all our research and requirements for the project. Thanks!
