Journal Entry #7

  1. What are you going to take away from Sawyer’s presentation on budgeting? What resonated with you?
  • I thought she did a presentation about legal entities. I thought her presentation was good, Adam and I just recently talked with a lawyer and accountant to figure everything out, and recently filed for an LLC.
  1. What was your favorite part of E4 shift and share? What do you think you will carry along with you from these presentations?
  • I liked Karl and Megs shift and share. I will carry with me the importance of relaxing and taking a break.
  1. How are you feeling wrapping up Change Leadership? Any new sparks or ideas?
  • Feeling good, I got my change leadership turned in last week. I did not find any new sparks.

Outside of E&I

  • I did a lot of school work this past week, I have a bunch of different projects due within in the same week. I am trying to get some of them done in advance to make things a little bit easier.

3 thoughts on “Journal Entry #7

  1. Hi John,

    Also spent a lot of time trying to knock out some pretty big projects, I guess it’s just that time in the quarter. I wish I had the discipline to get things done beforehand but I’ve found pressure is a bigger motivator for me.

  2. Hey John! Sawyer talked about both legal entities and budgeting! Which I found so important sense we do not talk on those things too much in this class. I hope your projects finished out strong this week, and that you are able to take some time to rest!

  3. Hey John, it is super exciting to watch your project take shape so fast. Excited to see your final pitch!

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