Kombucha Creations E4 Venture

Hello! My name is John McCullugh and as an E4, I was tasked this quarter to create my own venture that I will carry through my E5 and E6 quarter. After some ideation I came to the conclusion I would brew my own kombucha. Kombucha creations is a Bellingham local company founded by myself, my strategic approach to this venture is to deliver a great tasting kombucha that meets store quality standards for a bargain price. The operations of Kombucha creations will be handled by Kombucha town here in Bellingham, sales and marketing will be handled by myself.

Here is a link to my google drive if you would like to see my work done this quarter! https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/19LigLTSj9J0qtOybUlKMRmENP-TWHvAy?usp=sharing

Journal Entry #10

How did this quarter go for you?

I thought it went great, I ended up pivoting from my Kombucha Creations venture, but I feel that I learned a lot and it served a very valuable lesson to me.

What did you love?

Being able to work on my own and pursue my own venture, I am more of an independent worker.

What do you wish would have gone differently?

I wish I could have made a venture work this quarter to carry out with the next 2 quarters.

How has your definition of an entrepreneur changed since the beginning of the quarter?

I don’t think it has changed too much, I feel that I have a good understanding on the definition of entrepreneurship being an E4.

Something outside of E&I this week

Lots of work preparing for finals and wrapping up some projects! I had a fun week before at home spending time with family and friends.