Journal Entry #4

How have you deepened your understanding of secondary and market research? (for E2-E6)

I think keeping an open mind always help me think of certain aspects to research that I normally wouldn’t. Doing the VP1 on accessibility I think also really helped broaden my thinking.

How have you deepened your understanding of empathy and customer discovery?

This VP2 my group and I are tasked with creating an event. Out of any other VP2, the empathy and customer discovery aspect weigh heavily on our decision. That has helped me deepen my understand because I am relying so heavily on it, and want my data to be good/accurate.

What resonated with you in Oscar Edward’s storytelling workshop?

When we all went around and said what are spirit animal or thing was. At first I thought it was kind of silly, but as the time went on it gave me more time to think on it and how we are just animals in a way. I think it helped me realize that life isn’t as complex as we make it out to be everyday

How might you apply this week’s learnings to your venture?

I got some good insight from Schantell on what the event VP2 is all about and how we want to approach it, so I will keep applying that.

Outside of E&I this week:

This week was pretty good overall, I got my last bike rides and hikes in due to the rain coming in. Here’s a random photo from the hike!

Journal Entry #3

How do you plan to be curious about developing empathy with your customer?

By staying super open minded and taking everything in. Making sure to receive the data with zero emotions to cloud my judgement.

How do you plan on responding to the needs of your customer?

By getting effective data from the consumer and then make adjustments from there, rinse and repeat.

How might you apply this week’s learnings to your venture?

I would say doing the improv could hopefully help me really nail my pitch.

VP1 Study Buddy

Our VP1 team had a great time working together to design an accessible product that solved a problem we saw pervading the WWU campus. Online learning has taken away those chance encounters in the library, the study group formations outside the lecture hall, and many of the small ways people came together to study in person. We wanted to work to find a solution to the disconnect people were feeling when trying to find a replacement for these moments, and the result was Study Buddy!

Check out our Table of Contents for our project: Click here!

Journal Entry #2

What did I love this week. I really enjoyed listening to Hoby speak, I was extremely impressed to hear all that he had accomplished in his academic career while being blind. I don’t think there is anything else I would have loved to achieve this previous week, I thought it went really well for me. What did I learn from this VP1. Besides just going over the basics again and getting a little refresher. I really liked learning about the accessibility aspect. I never thought of it before, but now that I do it opens up a door of endless possibilities. I will put this new found knowledge into action by always thinking of accessibility and think of each person could be effected, then figure out a solution from there.

Journal Entry #1

Going into my third quarter of E&I I believe I am still learning more and more on how important the culture of belonging mission statement really is. Last quarter when asked this question I just kind of explained what it meant, but this quarter I am really starting to grasp the importance. This program is like no other in that everyone is so welcoming and wants to make you aware of that. For me the statement is just a way to let the new students know that we will never judge you and this is a pretty open minded place where you can share your thoughts, even in the middle of class to everyone. To answer the original question, culture of belonging to me means that everyone is welcome and we use that as a statement because we want to aware the new students about this so maybe they are not scared to say something out loud. Preparing for success, I am just getting back into the work flow and working hard on VP1 so I will be all warmed up for VP2. For my E3 journey this quarter I just hope to gain some new insight and knowledge on how to be the best entrepreneur I can. I guess if I had to pick a spark it would be just trying to make money. Ever since I was a kid I have been doing whatever to make some money in different side hustles, now that has mostly changed to strictly stock trading and reselling goods online. That is what sparks my entrepreneurial interest. For a # learning objective I will be taking into next week is the culture of belonging. I think it is super important in these first two weeks to be very welcoming of the new students, because this first week jumping into VP1 can be stressful and hectic. If we do not show them this is a welcoming and even relaxed environment, then I worry it may scare off newer students.