Change Leadership E5 “Flourish!”

This quarter, as an E5, I was tasked to reflect on my process in the class, and how I have grown. This project really put things into perspective for me to see what I have completed, and what I am yet to complete. Here is my submission document!

Change Leadership (AASK for Change)

This quarter as an E4 this change leadership was more about proving I am learning the E&I skills. I helped the class by doing an workshop on how to trade stocks, and then did two activities to further my professional development, then finally did an interview with another fellow classmate to better understand what I am doing right and what I need to work more on. Click here to learn more.

E3 Change leadership

This project was great! it really helped me narrow down what I want to do for my E4-E6 venture and get some helpful feedback! Check it out below from this link.

E2 Change leadership

This change leadership was great. Last quarter I was a little stressed about it, but this time around I felt great. I made sure to get a jump start on it by attending a career fair last week for my event. Then I got my group together for the nourshering network part so we could all have that part covered. Overall I think it went really great and I am curious to see what grade I will get back. Below is the link to my google drive if you want to check it out!

E1 Change Leadership

At first I struggled with my first change leadership project. I was able to act quickly and figure out what I wanted to do after about a day of thinking. I feel really good about how it turned it, I think I understood how to complete it based on the criteria asked. By the end as I am writing this now, I actually really enjoyed doing this project. It allowed me to focus more on my decisions and get in the mindset to be the best entrepreneur I can be. Below you can find the link to my project, within that google doc is another link to the “exploring for passion” section. Enjoy!–AJOpX6EoR3fP6DaTBxA9QqXGlMnsLPPFw80WXEkk/edit?usp=sharing