Journal Entry #10

Last week went great. I do not have too much to say though because we only had one class. The one class was pitch day and I thought it went great! My group and I were ready and made sure to get it done in under 5 minutes!

Journal Entry #9

This past week went great, our group did a really good job making sure everything was in check for our VP2 pitch. It felt kind of weird completing my first VP2 because it is a very new concept to my group and I, but we also want to get a good grade on it. I am doing this entry a bit late, so my group and I actually pitched yesterday. I think it went really good.

Journal Entry #8

This past week was a bit stressful with exams, VP2, and change leadership. I feel much more relieved now. My group and I are just about done with VP2, I thought my change leadership went great which I am very happy about. That is about it, class has been going good, not much else to say.

E1 Change Leadership

At first I struggled with my first change leadership project. I was able to act quickly and figure out what I wanted to do after about a day of thinking. I feel really good about how it turned it, I think I understood how to complete it based on the criteria asked. By the end as I am writing this now, I actually really enjoyed doing this project. It allowed me to focus more on my decisions and get in the mindset to be the best entrepreneur I can be. Below you can find the link to my project, within that google doc is another link to the “exploring for passion” section. Enjoy!–AJOpX6EoR3fP6DaTBxA9QqXGlMnsLPPFw80WXEkk/edit?usp=sharing

Journal Entry #7

This previous week went great. I was struggling a bit at the start with my change leadership project. Now I am feeling a lot better with it and starting to complete my objectives for the project. Our VP2 project is going great currently, we are just finishing up post prototype tasks and then working on our pitch! Other than that this past week went great.

Journal Entry #6

It still feels like we are just getting started this quarter, but now we are a little bit past half way done. So far this quarter I have learned a lot in our E&I class. It has helped me build the skill sets to become a better entrepreneur. Last week went great. My group and I started to make some real progress on our VP2 project and our data has helped us finally narrow down the core of our idea. I am excited this coming week to start my change leadership project and record my day to day thoughts.