Journal Entry #6

It still feels like we are just getting started this quarter, but now we are a little bit past half way done. So far this quarter I have learned a lot in our E&I class. It has helped me build the skill sets to become a better entrepreneur. Last week went great. My group and I started to make some real progress on our VP2 project and our data has helped us finally narrow down the core of our idea. I am excited this coming week to start my change leadership project and record my day to day thoughts.

2 thoughts on “Journal Entry #6

  1. This quarter is flying by! Completely agree. I’m also starting on the change leadership project and it’s definitely challenging me to get myself out there and connect. Good to hear VP2 is coming together for ya’ll, look forward to the next post.

  2. Hey! So glad to hear you’re feeling like progress is being made on your VP2 and you’ve got a solid, evidence based idea. Change Leadership is a great growing experience, even the not fun parts, I definitely recommend putting lots of effort into it!

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