Journal entry #1

When I read the culture of belonging statement in the syllabus, it makes me feel reassured that the new students understand they belong. I never had that problem as an E1, but I know how this class can become overwhelming at times. When students first join the minor and feel overwhelmed, I can see how they would think, “well maybe this class isn’t for me”. So having the culture of belonging is a great way to help them stay in the program. I feel prepared for this quarter, it’ll be my second time in the class so I am feeling great and ready to get started. I hope my journey as a E2 is just as great as E1. I have the same sparks and inspirations as last quarter, just excited to get to work and become a better entrepreneur. I would say the culture of belonging really stuck out to me more this quarter since last quarter was my first time in the class and I was still getting a feel for it.

4 thoughts on “Journal entry #1

  1. I agree with the Culture of Belonging! I also didn’t think so much about it last quarter (my E1 time) but reading it now makes you confident in being yourself and in your passions. This may be on minor, but everyone is unique and studying various things. The diversity in knowledge and passions is something that makes you want to stay because you learn something new from everyone!

  2. Thanks for sharing John!

    Thats so awesome we’re so glad you stayed in this program!

    What are your sparks from last quarter? What do you mean by a ‘better’ entrepreneur?

  3. Yes I agree with your assessment, it can definitely be tough to understand everything as an E1, but by the end of the quarter (not to mention later levels) you have so much more understanding of the content, so the culture of belonging does play an important part in supporting E1’s going through that. Great post, I look forward to what you share next!

  4. Hi John,

    I definitely agree that reading the “culture of belonging” statement as a new student gave me a sense of the community here and helped me feel more at home!

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