Journal Entry #2

Out of what we did this week I’d say I loved doing the pitches the most. It was very fun to be an E2 going into VP1 and having a lot more knowledge about the minor than before. I probably would have loved to been able to achieve the first place spot on VP1, but I am still happy we got second. This quarters VP1 project went great. This was my second VP1 and I feel that I got a really good idea of how it all works now. I plan to just keep carrying over what I learn from the past project into the present. Not facing any challenges currently.

2 thoughts on “Journal Entry #2

  1. Thanks for sharing John!

    You did a great job on VP1! I’m glad you’re feeling better about the tools we use in this program.

  2. Hi John,

    I’m glad you had fun with our VP1. It was really fun working with you, and you were really helpful as I didn’t know what I was doing most of the time 🙂

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