Journal Entry #7

This week I really liked hearing from our guest speaker. I really liked how she said to know your own worth for charging people for services. I have been debating charging people for a service in my own ventures and It was reassuring to hear I should just go for it at market rate. If I am not mistaken I do not think we did anything workshop related this past week, so nothing resonated with me unfortunately. I enjoyed hearing Adam’s presentation in the shift and share. Adam I know you will be reading this, so I just wanted to say nice job, and if you actually made it into an app after some more prototyping I bet you could get something going.

3 thoughts on “Journal Entry #7

  1. Hi John,

    I agree Parchelle was amazing and we all definitely need to charge our worth! I also enjoyed Adams presentation.

    Good luck on prepping for dress rehearsals!

  2. Glad to hear you got what you did out of the speaker! Thank you for your thoughts on my app, I am getting started on development this week and having a great time. Hopefully you can apply some of the prototyping frameworks I shared! Looking forward to see what comes next for you.

  3. Hey John,

    That quote from the guest speaker is really good! I can’t wait to see what you come up with for your own ventures!

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