Journal Entry #8

In order to exceed standards this quarter; my group and I will go above and beyond on our VP2 project. This matters to me because I value the lessons in this class and I want to be the best entrepreneur I can be. I don’t think anything stands out to me in the rubric, just have to get everything done. Between now and pitches, my group and I need more traction on our pitch deck. We are trying to put it together before rehearsals tomorrow and have not really started it. Should not be a problem though after we meet today.

3 thoughts on “Journal Entry #8

  1. John,

    How will you go above and beyond? Do you have any specific areas of the rubric that you want to go above and beyond in?

    Thanks for sharing! Let me know if you all need any support.

  2. Yep the rubric has a lot on it but you can do it! Sorry about the late comment, been real busy with projects in other classes as well as my VP2. Nonetheless, I hope the remainder of the quarter goes great for you!

  3. Hi John,
    Glad to hear our group wasn’t the only ones putting our pitch deck together last minute 🙂 Awesome job in planning to go above and beyond, it sounds tangible!

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