Journal Entry #3

How do you plan to be curious about developing empathy with your customer?

By staying super open minded and taking everything in. Making sure to receive the data with zero emotions to cloud my judgement.

How do you plan on responding to the needs of your customer?

By getting effective data from the consumer and then make adjustments from there, rinse and repeat.

How might you apply this week’s learnings to your venture?

I would say doing the improv could hopefully help me really nail my pitch.

3 thoughts on “Journal Entry #3

  1. Being open-minded is one of the best ways to approach anything, especially when it comes to starting a venture. Sometimes nothing will go exactly how you wanted but you have to open-minded to other results and they may even be better than what you expected!

  2. I agree that being open minded is super important and the best way to be innovative and really be empathetic. The improv thing was fun and definitely a good way to practice thinking on your feet

  3. Having an open mind helps with the creative process and deepening your understanding of your customers.

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